Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "An enemy of the people". What people? What enemy? Perhaps it is in fact that the people are the enemy. Ever consider THAT?
Those who place the interests of their political party and regional affiliations over the country as a whole is an enemy of We the People. Those who are anti-Constitution is an enemy of We the People. Those who are anti-Amendments is the enemy of We the People. Those who are anti-military and anti-police is an enemy of We the People. Those who are anti-freedoms and rights are the enemy of We the People. The liberal mainstream fake news media is the enemy of the people because it's Modus Operandi is lying to We the People on a consistent and daily basis.
Anyone who wants to stop the policies that are growing the economy is an enemy of We the People. Those who advocate and allow a hostile takeover of a city and continue to allow it to happen is an enemy of We the People. Those who advocate unrestricted open borders is an enemy of We the People. Those who want and actually allow non-citizens to vote in an election is an enemy of We the People. The list goes on but you get the idea of who the enemy of We the People is.