United States v. Susan B. Anthony was the criminal trial of Susan B. Anthony in a U.S. federal court in 1873. The defendant was a leader of the women's suffrage movement who was arrested for voting in Rochester, New York in the 1872 elections in violation of state laws that allowed only men to vote. Anthony argued that she had the right to vote because of the recently adopted Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, part of which reads, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."
The judge, Ward Hunt, was a recently appointed U.S. Supreme Court Justice who had responsibility for the federal circuit court in which the trial was held. He did not allow the jurors to discuss this case but instead directed them to find Anthony guilty. On the final day of the trial, Hunt asked Anthony if she had anything to say. Anthony, who had not previously been permitted to speak, responded with what one historian of the women's movement has called "the most famous speech in the history of the agitation for woman suffrage".[1] Repeatedly ignoring the judge's order to stop talking and sit down, she protested what she called "this high-handed outrage upon my citizen's rights".[2] She also protested the injustice of denying women the right to vote. When Justice Hunt sentenced Anthony to pay a fine of $100, she defiantly said that she would never do so. Hunt then announced that Anthony would not be jailed for failure to pay the fine, a move that had the effect of preventing her from taking her case to the Supreme Court.
Well, there's a new book coming out which purportedly claims that privately, Hannity has said he thinks Trump is bat***t crazy.
"During an appearance in Scranton, PA on Thursday Trump did indeed have some thoughts about the fires saying, “I see again, the forest fires are starting. They’re starting again in California. And I said, ‘You’ve got to clean your floors. You’ve got to clean your floors.'”
Trump blamed “years” of leaves and broken trees, saying “they’re like, like so flammable.”
“Maybe we’re just going to have to make them pay for it, because they don’t listen to us. We say you got to get rid of the leaves,” Trump said. [emphasis added]
Tell me how you get rid of all the leaves in a forest.