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Discussion » Questions » Finance » Is there anything that irks you about your paycheck, such as the way it’s processed, withholdings, entered into your account, etc.?

Is there anything that irks you about your paycheck, such as the way it’s processed, withholdings, entered into your account, etc.?

CAVEAT: this question specifically excludes any displeasure or disagreements you may have with the amount of money you are paid. 


Posted - August 28, 2020


  • 6477
    Ok then, being the smartass I am.. I have a disagreement over the frequency of my payslips.. I think they should be given to me every week - same amount, just 4/5 times a month instead of just once  a month! 

    In fairness, I have mine delivered online via some stoopid, (spelling mistake intentional) in-house system. I can never be bothered to check it.. that irks me!
      August 29, 2020 2:19 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Bloody smarta$$!
      August 29, 2020 2:22 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I specialise in smarta$$
      August 29, 2020 2:34 PM MDT