Why would the dems start fires? To perpetrate the HOAX of climate change of course. DUH!
Oh and of course also antifa too.
Only the dipsh** true believers know what's true. The earth is flat, there never was a moon landing, there never was a holocaust, the dipsh** is the chosen one sent to them by GOD to save them and the earth from an underground child pornography sex trafficking ring started by the Democrats and the antifa.OPA OPA OPA!. Really and truly that's it. What they say and they never lie. Oh and of course the dipsh** is a wise and extremely stable genius. He passed a senility test. Who else could do that?
What will the Democrats and antifa do next? Just ask the QANONS. They know everything there is to know about everything worth knowing. Are you one? Wanna join? Or are you a child rapist sex trafficking ring enjoyer?