The election will in fact be RIGGED IF HE WINS. Not if he loses. DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH
How thickheaded do people have to be to figure that out?
He lost the popular vote by THREE MILLION VOTES in 2016. We didn't know how awful he was then. He had no track record. We know him now. He has a depraved disgusting corrupt track record. Republicans are advocating not voting for him. They are even running pro Biden anti dipsh** ads. They know something and they are trying to tell you.
So you see how silly Dipsh** is being? Calling so much attention to rigging he will be the beneficiary of any rigging that is attempted or achieved.
Don't cry wolf so much dipsh**. FAKE PHONY BALONEY TERRIFIED LITTLE MAN that he is. A definite LOSER. . The people who voted for him the first time are the suckers. The ones who are not very smart will be the ones who vote for him again.
Period. End of story. Bottom line.
Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Sure, most people think he’s a dweeb, but they’ll still vote for him. Some people vote party no matter what, some like to be difficult, some are stupid, and a few naively think he’ll change. The big question is - will the Electoral College do their job this time or not. THEY wanted trump so THEY voted him in... instead of doing what they pledged to do (the will of the people). I believe they call them faithless electors. (Personally, I think electors who do that should be tried for treason.)
If you read the Federalist Papers around the Electoral College ... it's obvious the intention of the Founders was to have it as a "check and balance" on the will of the People. Really, they didn't trust the People to elect a government.
If you use the link I provided, any Electoral College that is run by the same rules nationwide would result in Trump's election in 2016.
The closest outcome would have been where all states proportioned their EC votes by ratio of the popular vote.
That would result in 267 Trump and 265 Clinton - with 6 for 3rd Parties.
Only when it is set for each state to be the optimal EC rules for Democrats, would Clinton have won (358 to 179).
If it was set for each state to be the optimal EC rules for Republicans, Trump would have won 398 to 136.
The only method that the site doesn't cover, is the current push to have state EC votes tied to the national popular vote - rather than the vote of the state. This totally nullifies the purpose of state representation, as the large states will control the EC of smaller states. IE: the popular vote of California will decide who (say) Idaho votes for - even though the two states generally favor opposite parties. This would also mean that candidates could completely ignore states with lower populations, and focus on those with high populations.