The election will in fact be RIGGED IF HE WINS. Not if he loses. DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH
How thickheaded do people have to be to figure that out?
He lost the popular vote by THREE MILLION VOTES in 2016. We didn't know how awful he was then. He had no track record. We know him now. He has a depraved disgusting corrupt track record. Republicans are advocating not voting for him. They are even running pro Biden anti dipsh** ads. They know something and they are trying to tell you.
So you see how silly Dipsh** is being? Calling so much attention to rigging he will be the beneficiary of any rigging that is attempted or achieved.
Don't cry wolf so much dipsh**. FAKE PHONY BALONEY TERRIFIED LITTLE MAN that he is. A definite LOSER. . The people who voted for him the first time are the suckers. The ones who are not very smart will be the ones who vote for him again.
Period. End of story. Bottom line.