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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So thrilled delighted and overjoyed that the demented duck held a HUGE rally in Virginia unmasked! May he keep it up. Ya wanna him to too?

So thrilled delighted and overjoyed that the demented duck held a HUGE rally in Virginia unmasked! May he keep it up. Ya wanna him to too?

Geez what better gift can he give us? Spreading the virus bigly and often and many of his supporters will suffer and get it and some will die leaving him fewer voters. But I digress. He can't hold enough maskless unsocial distanced rallies to suit me. Thee? BRING IT ON duck. What do you have to lose but your devoted voters? Keep it up. We who despise thee commend you.

Posted - September 26, 2020


  • 6477
    I know it's mean of me,  but having tried to engage with some of his supporters in the past, I would have to agree with you.. bring it on, go out and be unmasked at the rallies.. If you ignore the advice so be it! It's sad that inevitably innocent people will suffer to though
      September 26, 2020 3:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    We are approving of what they are doing Addb. How can that possibly be "mean"? I think they should appreciate that we encourage them to do more of it more often or even all the time bigger and better. Bring it on. Have fun. Do your thing! The world's their oyster. They are happy as clams at high tide.I have no idea why I'm in the ocean now but whatever works right? Thank you for your honest and thoughtful reply. We expect huge waves and spikes in the double whammy ahead in surges AND the yearly flu. There were hundreds of thousands of people who motorcycled to Sturgis Montana( or north dakota or somewhere) for an annual biker rally. So far I believe hundreds if not thousands have come down with the virus and of course they took it back home and infected their neighbors and families. I don't know how many died or will die but well what are ya gonna do? They just want to have fun. So some people get it, some survive with permanent damage to body parts and some die. That's life. Que sera sera! Sigh. Happy Sunday to thee and thine. STAY SAFE! :)
      September 27, 2020 1:24 AM MDT