Discussion » Questions » Politics » If Trump refuses to leave office will it be a perfect opertunity for Russia to nuke America?

If Trump refuses to leave office will it be a perfect opertunity for Russia to nuke America?

I have been thinking that if Trump refuses to leave office Russia might figure that Trump will be too busy whinning to launch  a counter strike so they will strike well they can. I think there is only  a 18 minute window to decide if a counter strike should be launched  and if Trump locks himself in a room  at the WH they might not be able to get the launch codes to him or because Trump figures Putin is his freind he might figure it is just a trick to get him out of office. Cheers and happy weekend!

Posted - September 26, 2020


  • 10795
    They have no intention of nuking their prospective land addition.  They helped install him so that he would destroy the country for them (from within).  Then they can simply come in and and take over - without ever firing a shot.
      September 26, 2020 1:00 PM MDT

  • 11399
    Ya them nuking the US wouldn't be very productive for them. I think it is more likely they will attack America  from within too. Thanks to Donald Trump Russia probablly has a lot of  back doors into American computors and they probably have a lot of secret agents  living in America.  It really scares me because if Russia takes over  America they are  going to want Canada too. At this very moment there are Russian nucular subs lurking under  the ice in Canada's artic circle.  But the Inuit people that live in that area do their part to show the Russians we  know they are there and they are not welcome. The Inuit  will  go out on the ice flows and tap out mesages to the Russian subs - like hey commie does your underwater vessel have a Poop deck? Cheers and happy weekend!
      September 26, 2020 2:04 PM MDT