The evil vile slime scum that jumps right on a grave and violates it and dances on it is astonishing to me.
We know the duck doesn't stop hating when someone dies. It's one of his greatest assets. HATING.
But Ruth Bader Ginsberg? 87 years old. What kind of vermin would make up stuff like THAT? Sick headed of course. Sigh. Why ask why? Who knows.
Well you can bet your bottom dollar more of that will be coming your way. Maybe you are the one making it up. If not maybe you are enjoying it a whole lot. If not well how do you feel about people who lie about the dead? For what reason does that make any sense?
10 years is a big spread.
I know some states have a "grace period" of a couple years, intended to cover high schoolers.
EG: a Senior (17) in a relationship with a Freshman (14), and the senior turns 18. (which happens "all the time")
Without that "grace period", the now-18yr old could be convicted of statutory rape and have a sex crime conviction they would have to register with.
But 10 years?
So an 18 year old could "reasonably" (to CA) be in a relationship with an 8 year old?