Discussion » Questions » Emotions » How do you deal with angry people?

How do you deal with angry people?

And how do you handle yourself when you feel angry?

Posted - July 2, 2016


  • 152
    I do not mind angry people, they are real people. Anger is not healthy when used habitually but is sometimes necessary, it is something we all need to show at times, especially when confronting true evil. The ignorance of evil or the avoidance in confronting evil has lead this world down many bad paths. Moral relativism is the complete opposite of truth.
      July 2, 2016 4:54 AM MDT

  • 167

    Oh very carefully. I understand we all have our good days & our bad. If I am angry I do my best to avoid others. If someone else is angry I try to avoid them. Sometimes when I am on the receiving end of that anger,  walk away if someone doesn't want t discuss something calmly. Other times though my southern temper gets the best of me & I get fired up & angry right back. After all is said & done, I am the one that feels bad.

      July 2, 2016 7:45 AM MDT

  • It depends on their level of threat. Sometimes you just have to bring them down. Let them look at your watch. Show them what time it is.

      July 2, 2016 8:07 AM MDT

  • 22891

    i dont deal with them, i stay away from people like that

      July 2, 2016 6:40 PM MDT

  • 13071


      July 2, 2016 7:42 PM MDT

  • If I understand you correctly, you see healthy anger as the energy we need to assert appropriate boundaries to prevent unwanted and destructive behaviours.

    I'm not sure where moral relativism fits in, but I will look it up.

      July 3, 2016 3:15 AM MDT

  • I'm searching memories of fights with Ari. When something has gone on too long without a solution, we do tend to look at the time and agree to postpone the issue to a better time. The time to let the heat subside does help us both.

      July 3, 2016 3:23 AM MDT

  • Yes, I avoid people who are chronically angry too.

      July 3, 2016 3:24 AM MDT

  • HA, ha! The image of a frightened wild cat flashed through my mind.

    Have disappeared rapidly sometimes, though it's been a long time since the need occurred.

      July 3, 2016 3:26 AM MDT

  • Yeah. Anger sucks. :(

      July 3, 2016 11:53 PM MDT