It's because you are maturing, Element. The experts I talk to about this kind of thing suggest that about a-year-and-a-half spent dozily ambling around AM, and you ought to be replete with all the knowledge any well-grounded Mugger could ever aspire to knowing. So eighteen month is the time it takes rubbing shoulders with experts on all kinds of things, to become an expert on all kinds of things yourself.
I'm coming here a lot less too without any real reason that I can figure out. I would have thought that with a lot of my normal activities on hold, I'd be here more often. But just like reading, exercising and organizing my closets (which never had enough time for), I'm actually doing less that I did before.
I'm thinking the word doesn't quite catch my reasons for my thoughts/feelings about not getting some things done. I'm getting certain things done but many seem to be adrift. :)
Cognitive dissonance perhaps?---and fatigue from deciphering fact from error when any error discovered must nevertheless be respected as if it had the same value as a truth.
There may well be a dead zone involved where the atmosphere is similar to the dead zone on Mount Everest---only the one whose existence I am positing fails to adequately support intellectual life.
I can still recuperate from such rarified air with shorter times on here or in other arguably more meaningful pursuits, but sooner or later I will move on.