Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever face a very serious operation and wonder whether you would survive it? I have. I did. I'm here. That's how I feel today. You?

Ever face a very serious operation and wonder whether you would survive it? I have. I did. I'm here. That's how I feel today. You?

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

What happens tomorrow? Election day in the USA fraught with lies and corruption and hostile foreign intervention and domestic terrorists and intimidaers and threateners and liars and  knaves and varlets and crooks have shown what they are willing to do to WIN.

Never before in our history has there been such a CONSPIRACY of evildoer and lemmings. In other countries maybe. But in the United States of America? NEVER.

Here we go. What happens next? Where do we go? ARE WE THERE YET? CONDOLENCES IN ADVANCE TO ALL those who only hope that justice will prevail and the GOOD GUY will win. FYI the dumb cluck duck is not the good guy.

Posted - November 2, 2020


  • 16632
    There really isn't a good guy this time around, the choice is between bad and worse. Worse is what you got right now, a demented orange megalomaniac manbaby. However, "Sleepy Joe" is also well past his sell-by date. Thankfully he's picked a go-getter as running mate - maybe Joe will do a Reagan and let his veep run things.
      November 2, 2020 2:43 AM MST

  • 113301
    Honestly R Joe was not my first or second or third choice. But I will vote for ANYONE not the dumb cluck duck and you know I wanted KAMALA in the first place so I can't complain. But here's the thing. It is possible that the dumb cluck duck will win again. There are millions of braindead supporters out there. Millions of them playing all the dirty tricks they can. Millions of them closing down polling locations, cutting hours of operaion, making up new rules for voting. Then there is the hostile foreign country invasion via the internet. The fake stories the fake accounts the DISINFORMATION. It is a full affront on every level so how it will end I don't know. Roll the dice. Let's see what happens. What choice is there? Thank you for your reply! :)
      November 2, 2020 2:48 AM MST