Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Remember the olden days of TV where TV EVANGELISTS and their over made up wives with poufy hair told you GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH?

Remember the olden days of TV where TV EVANGELISTS and their over made up wives with poufy hair told you GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH?

What they meant was "GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE US RICH"!

All the bullsh** they flung in the name of a GOD they blasphemed and mocied with every ridiculous exortation.

Many went away due to SEX scandals or other SCANDals.

Devoted massive audiences they had who lived by every word they said. SHYSTERS. CON ARTISTS. SCAMMERS. Millions bought it.

Today? I don't know. Are they any more like the olden days? GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH. GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY. GOD WANTS YOU TO BE HAPPY.

The espoused that selfish dame AYN RAND. ME ME ME. I am the most important person. I am the chosen one. I am important. I make my own way and others have to do the same. I do not give a rat's a** about anyone.Me am king. Me ae queen. Me DESERVE to be rich and happy not you.

Etcetera etcetera etcetera. The philosophy of SELFISH. The philosophy of "I've got mine and you can go to he**". Warms the heart don't it though? The dumb cluck duck mastered it. SIGH. When will he take the hint and crawl away to stay?

Posted - November 5, 2020


  • 10562
    It seemed that the more famous these people got, the worse they became.  Money and power corrupt?  NOw we have a new line of shucksters  trying to profit off the "christian market". 
    They speak in soft, smoothe tones, telling people what they want to hear.

    "God spoke to me, so follow me"
    "God wants you to be rich (or happy, or satisfied, etc.), so follow me"
    "All's well"
    "Send me money so I can do the "Lord's work" (for you??).

    If the people who follow these con artists actually read their bible they would be able to see through the con.  But they let these fakers read it for them.  letting them quoting scripture out of context to make people feel good.  

    These tricksters picked the wrong Fire to play with.  They may prosper here, but they can't mock God.  They will pay dearly for their deceptions.
      November 5, 2020 10:21 AM MST

  • 113301
    I feel exactly the same as you do as well as think it too. They can think they are getting away with something.They aren't. NO ONE GETS AWAY WITH ANYTHING AT ANYTIME. It is hubris that causes folks to think that. A day comes and then? It could get very interesting. Wouldn't you just love to hear all the whaddabouts and excuses and lame explanations and passing the blame on others and dare I even say it all the LYING?  As if HE who knows ALL is as gullbile as the average ordinary typical standard off-the-shelf cookie cutter homo sap! Thank you for your reply Shuhak. So far so good these days for you and your family? STAY SAFE! :)
      November 5, 2020 11:08 AM MST

  • 10562
    On that day there will be no excuses.

    Family's ok, I'm kind of not.  I went to he ER around 7:30 Tuesday evening as my heart had been beating funny since 3:30.  Turns out I was having major atrofib (my heart was going from 0-160).  None of their drugs did anything.  I was admitted to the hospital at 3:30 am, because they were going to shock my heart back into rhythm, but it finally converted just after 5 am.  I was released just after 1pm on wednesday.
      November 5, 2020 5:28 PM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness Shuhak. Oh geez. I am so exceedingly saddened to know that on top of everything else you have a health issue to deal with like that. When I don't see you around every day my automatic fallback mode is worry. But it has been because of the fires and the doing without electricity on the whim of the electric company and winds. I had no idea you also are dealing with a heart condition. We have a friend who has afib...atrial fibrulation or something and I think he has pills to help keep the rhythm steady. I could be wrong about that. He is 70 and has been an athlete all his life. He and some friends ran the HONOLULU MARATHON for 35 years until a few years ago. He is a 7th Day Adventist so his diet is very healthy. He doesn't smoke or drink. I just don't understand how the heart works I guess. Do you know what causes it to do that? Is there some kind of trigger? I know stress can trigger bad asthma attacks and we are all living under much stress these days...your neck of the woods more than most. You didn't call your sister to take you? You DROVE? That's kinda scary too. Anyway you have my prayers and good thoughts always. I guess that condition is something you just have to live with? Thank you for your reply Shuhak. How are you doing today? :)
      November 6, 2020 2:50 AM MST

  • 10562
    This is the first time I've ever had this.  I have no clue what triggered it, although it was more than likely stress).  Heart problems run in my family (my grandfather died of a heart attack in his early 60's, mom has a-fib).  Yes, my sister drove me.  I was in no condition to drive.  
    I'm doing ok today.  I see my doctor on the 12th and we'll go from there.
      November 6, 2020 9:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh. Good. Glad she is close enough to help out. Boy. Again I'm so sorry m'dear. This is a piling on of hard stuff just when you are your most vulnerable. COVID 19, fires, winds, no electricity, a mom who has a lot of needs. I'm exhausted just from listing it. Did you get any meds? So on the 12th you go for a checkup. Good. All good luck to you. Seriously. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I don't want anything to happen to you that you don't want to have happen. Just so's ya know. My dad died of a heart attack (he was a three pack a day smoker) at the age of 54. My mom died of old age at 95. I never smoked. I am exceedingly healthy for my age or any age. So far so good. Fingers crossed the same is true for you. :)
      November 6, 2020 9:56 AM MST

  • 10562
    No meds yet.  My doc will send me to a cardiologist, who will give me meds if necessary.  I've never smoked, drank or used recreational drugs (surprised them at the hospital).
      November 6, 2020 11:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    Well m'dear I drink. Not excessively but I do enjoy a drink or two. Never smoked seriously. I tried it at age 10 and inhaled. You can imagine the pain and I almost threw up. Cured me. As for recreational drugs you mean like marijuana and the like right?. Me too neither. The only meds I take are prescription or sometimes over the counter like hayfever pills. Otherwise I avoid them They scare me. But you have a family history of heart trouble? My dad died of a heart attack and my mom had heart problems among other things. Mine is strong and healthy as far as I know. Are you in any pain or discomfort? Any idea when the appointment will be? Sooner is better of course. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      November 7, 2020 5:01 AM MST

  • 10562

    I've taken prescription meds since I was 5 or 6.  They don't go well with alcohol.  So I was never even tempted to drink.  My grandmother (dad's side) smoked like a chimney.   I didn't even like being around her she stunk so bad.  Gross!!!  Because of that, I never even had the desire to smoke.
    I'm not a med person (the ones I have to take are bad enough).  I won't take any (including aspirin and OTC cold medicine) unless absolutely necessary.  I believe most meds do more harm than good.  For Example, taking OTC cold "remedies" may help symptoms temporarily, but at the price of making the cold last longer.

    No, no pain or discomfort.  It depends on what the doctor says (he's rather good with referrals)  Also I have to find a cardiologist who takes my insurance.

      November 7, 2020 11:29 AM MST

  • 10963
    I do remember those days the one I remember most is Jim and Tammy  Baker. There is a new  show on TV called  Filthy Rich it is about televangelist - I really like it. Cheers!
      November 5, 2020 11:26 AM MST

  • 113301
    Jim and Tammy Faye Baker! She wore a ton of makeup daily. Wasn't he caught with a mistress or something? I think the folks who believed them to be messengers of GOD are the same people who think the dumb cluck duck was sent by GOD to save them. I really do. FilthyRich? I'll have to Google it. Thank you for your reply Nanoose and Happy Friday to you and your family! :)
      November 6, 2020 2:52 AM MST