What they meant was "GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE US RICH"!
All the bullsh** they flung in the name of a GOD they blasphemed and mocied with every ridiculous exortation.
Many went away due to SEX scandals or other SCANDals.
Devoted massive audiences they had who lived by every word they said. SHYSTERS. CON ARTISTS. SCAMMERS. Millions bought it.
Today? I don't know. Are they any more like the olden days? GOD WANTS YOU TO BE RICH. GOD WANTS YOU TO MAKE A LOT OF MONEY. GOD WANTS YOU TO BE HAPPY.
The espoused that selfish dame AYN RAND. ME ME ME. I am the most important person. I am the chosen one. I am important. I make my own way and others have to do the same. I do not give a rat's a** about anyone.Me am king. Me ae queen. Me DESERVE to be rich and happy not you.
Etcetera etcetera etcetera. The philosophy of SELFISH. The philosophy of "I've got mine and you can go to he**". Warms the heart don't it though? The dumb cluck duck mastered it. SIGH. When will he take the hint and crawl away to stay?
I've taken prescription meds since I was 5 or 6. They don't go well with alcohol. So I was never even tempted to drink. My grandmother (dad's side) smoked like a chimney. I didn't even like being around her she stunk so bad. Gross!!! Because of that, I never even had the desire to smoke.
I'm not a med person (the ones I have to take are bad enough). I won't take any (including aspirin and OTC cold medicine) unless absolutely necessary. I believe most meds do more harm than good. For Example, taking OTC cold "remedies" may help symptoms temporarily, but at the price of making the cold last longer.
No, no pain or discomfort. It depends on what the doctor says (he's rather good with referrals) Also I have to find a cardiologist who takes my insurance.