Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So far 68 million voted for a duck. There will be more. All are gun people. Can you imagine a very big thing? Will you try?

So far 68 million voted for a duck. There will be more. All are gun people. Can you imagine a very big thing? Will you try?

Imagine if duck loses. Imagine 68 million PLUS marching on Washington, D.C. armed with loaded weapons to protect the president.

Can D.C. handle 68 million people? What about toilets? What about drinking fountains? How far would they extend? To Virginia for sure but all the way down the coast to Florida? Too much for your imaginator is it?

Posted - November 5, 2020


  • 2706
    Yes, I can imagine a very big thing. However, trying to imagine 68 million gun-toting people marching on Washington DC because of an election outcome isn't it. No offense meant but that whole idea is laughable at best.

    The only scenario I could imagine where such a thing would possibly happen would be if the state and federal governments were to try to take away, by force, our God-given and Constitutional rights and freedoms. Our inalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.
      November 5, 2020 11:29 AM MST

  • 3719
    I can't see that happening!

      November 5, 2020 3:36 PM MST

  • 113301
    How about a tiny portion? 1 million. 100,000 or 1,000? All who vote for the insane man are similarly mentally defective. Harsh? Can you tell me that a sane moral honorable honest person would support donald john trump? There is something very wrong with those who think he is good has done good will do good. VERY SERIOUSLY WRONG. I ascribe it to stupidity. It could be far worse. It could be a penchant for cruelty torture and satanic innards. Or both. There is no way to assess this any other way. At least I am unable to do so. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to thee and thine! :)
      November 6, 2020 1:44 AM MST

  • 3719
    I wonder how much of the Republican vote was less for Donald Trump and more for the Party.

    There are undoubtedly many who see him as some sort of hero, but faced with either voting realistically for one of only two parties or abstaining, a lot of more moderate Republican voters might have overlooked the man himself in favour of Party loyalty. And we  can't ignore that his America-first policies did appeal to so many Americans, for various reasons that suited their own lives, whatever they may have thought of him as a person.

    So there may be many Republican voters who wanted a Republican government, but not run by Trump - so what could they have done?   

    The BBC recently interviewed a retired judge who apparently voted Republican because he liked the ideology but mainly because his male ancestors had voted Republican right from the start of the Republican Party of the United States of America. There used to be many Britons like that, voting for X, Y or Z  Party merely 'cos Dad, Grandad, Great-Great Grandad, ... did, and though often understandable in the past, I regard it nowadays as a poor way to decide  - but it was clear that although this man was a loyal Republican he had no time for Donald Trump and thought him bad for Party and Country.  

    I think we can assume a judge capable of rational analysis as well as emotional loyalty, and I wonder if really there were many more like him, of any background or trade, Democrat or Republican, than you give them credit for.

    After all, all the reporting of rallies by both sides really only highlight the excitable types and the personality-fans.  We hear far less from the quieter types who may have strong views for or against either Party but don't wave banners at mass TV-fest gatherings, and do think about what as well as whom they are voting for.
      November 8, 2020 1:33 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think party labels are harmful. I do. Millions are mindlessly loyal to the label and it doesn't matter what the label represents. The exacerbation of this dichotomy/division is all due to a duck who villainizes Democrats and kept lying about them incessantly constantly 24/7. The devoted followers believe every lying word he ever said. They only listened to him and FAUX NEWS who are in cahoots. Their version of truth is shocking. They embrace cockamamie conspiracy theories of the most absurd and ridiculous kind. They mimic everything all the time and in concert by rote following the same script. That 70 million voted for the duck after what he has done to the country shocks me and saddens me very bigly. Why that is I cannot fathom. He is pure evil pure selfish pure cruel pure enemy and his adoring worshippers adoringly worship him and believe he was defrauded. What kind of evil spell he put on them I cannot guess but that so many of them are that is scary. What will they do to get revenge on the rest of us? Many of them are weaponized and itching to start a war a battle. Any day now? Labels mean nothing. It's what people are willing to do because of them that is the bad thing. Thank you for your reply Durdle. This post was edited by RosieG at November 8, 2020 2:50 AM MST
      November 8, 2020 1:57 AM MST

  • 3719
    Well, all being well Donald Trump will become just a footnote to history and the Republican Party will repair its reputation.

    I don't - and can't - support either the Republican or Democrat Parties but for the sake of democracy (small 'd') your country needs both; and needs them to be constructive, able institutions that have opposing ideologies but do strive honestly to work for the good of the nation; with the one in opposition there to hold the other to account, supporting or opposing as necessary.

    The BBC's current-affairs programmes have been asking what Trump might do back in "ordinary" life. The consensus they have found is that he will probably leave office un-graciously, petulantly but fairly quietly, devoting his future to memoirs, golf and property speculation.  Some seem to think he might start a TV station (the mind boggles). He would of course, also be open to any criminal investigation that some believe may occur. 
      November 8, 2020 2:45 AM MST

  • 113301
    Vis a vis the criminal investigation. That is a SURE THING and for that  reason I think he could flee the country for a place that doesn't extradite. He is an extraordinary COWARD. Nothing manly or macho or strong or brave about him. He is a chickenlittle. He is desperate. He has never taken any responsibility for his actions or words. NOT ONCE. He has stolen credit for things othes have done. He has lied lied lied lied and convinced 70 million Americans that he is an honest guy and their best hope. I really think he doesn't have the right stuff to stay. You could be right. So could I. We will see. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Durdle and for sharing that information. No matter what things will be better than they were. Of that I am absolutely positive! :)
      November 8, 2020 5:03 AM MST

  • 16632
    I'm reminded of Bob Dole's comment in his concession speech in 1996: "I've said repeatedly in this campaign that President Clinton is my opponent, not my enemy." Compare and contrast Darth Vader, "if you are not with me, you are my enemy!"
    Is Dole's comment still valid, or has DJT so polarized the USA that you are all Sith, dealing in absolutes? This post was edited by Slartibartfast at November 8, 2020 5:03 AM MST
      November 8, 2020 2:52 AM MST

  • 113301
    That is the billion dollar question and I don't know the answer to that. We'll find out. I have hope though dim that we will come together just enough to repair the country. We will never agree about everything or probabaly not about most things. We don't have to. We just have to agree on the IMPORTANT things to stay together. We'll see how that works out. I know I'm gonna do my level best to not make things worse. What's done is done. No use talking about. What will be is the only thing we can have control over or affect. That's where we have to keep all our focus. Thank you for your reply R! :) Fingers crossed.
      November 8, 2020 5:05 AM MST