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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » An Answermug friend finally got through to me. She doesn't like Trump. She likes his policies.She can separate the two. Can you?

An Answermug friend finally got through to me. She doesn't like Trump. She likes his policies.She can separate the two. Can you?

I am not able to do that. Separate the art from the artist. I never have been able to do so. I don't know whether that is an advantage or a disadvantage.

Posted - October 16, 2016


  • 5450
    Yes I can separate the two.  I already voted and I voted only for the person who talks about the issues that are the most important to me.  Yeah, real issues I care about, that's what I voted on and really there are only a few political issues I care about so separating the art from the artist wasn't that hard.
      October 16, 2016 8:24 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Congrats to you Liv! You did your citizenly duty and you are able to separate the person from the policies. I wish I could! Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
      October 17, 2016 3:53 AM MDT

  • Yes, without a doubt, you can separate the two. Remember, the artist dreams of creating a masterpiece or a classic that is an extension of himself. That piece of work that would stand as a hallmark of one's career. The problem with it all, is that the artist must make a living until that time comes. That means doing a lot of work that really carries no significance or importance to the one creating it.  Trump is complex and you can see that at various times. However, he's no artist, inasmuch as he is a novice and rank amateur. He stirred the pot, muddied the water and generally made a mess. An artist has a plan and a vision and creates things that the rest of us cannot. If the GOP standard bearer had been someone of vision with a plan and the ability to articulate that to a populace needing and wanting change, the Clintons would have been swept away in this election. As it is, we'll have 4-8 more years of Obama and his "legacy".
      October 16, 2016 8:26 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply PP and Happy Monday to thee! :)
      October 17, 2016 3:56 AM MDT

  • 18
    I can definitely separate the two! I may not like him as a person but his policies are spot on for me! I refuse to vote Hillary into office because we know what she will do and this country isnt better off with her as president!

      October 16, 2016 10:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply Paige and Happy Monday! :)
      October 17, 2016 3:56 AM MDT

  • 3375
    You can separate the two.  If someone projects a real negative attitude, I will be fundamentally against him or her to begin with.

    I listen closely to what candidates stand for.  I don't have to like everything in their background to figure out who would be best for this country. This post was edited by PeaPod is just popping by at October 17, 2016 4:12 AM MDT
      October 16, 2016 10:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for your reply PeaPod and Happy Monday. Decades ago I found out what a scumbag a particular favorite author was and I never read another anything of his after that.  I could not bring myself to do it. I could not overcome what I knew about him. I wish I could but I'm not wired that way. :)
      October 17, 2016 3:59 AM MDT

  • 3375
    There are times when you know too much about someone's personal life to ever enjoy what they put out there.  Rocker Ted Nugent would be one of these people for me.  Disgusting human being.  I won't get into what I have read about him, but I love animals too much to ignore it.
      October 17, 2016 10:36 AM MDT

  • 628
    Hello there Rosie...
    "To reveal art while concealing the artist is art's aim"...Oscar Wilde
    "The Highest purpose of art is to inspire someone...."   Bob Dylan.
    A painting or a poem my have as many interpretations as there are viewers and readers.
    Art is meant to be pondered and considered. Do I need to know what was in Edward Munch's' head as he painted "The Scream" or is it more rewarding to be able to ponder all the possibilities for myself,  be inspired to examine my own "torments", which may be different than those of the artist.
    In my field of work there are 2 thoughts. Architecture is a science and Architecture is an art. I am of the second school.
    It is my goal, through my art to inspire people to appreciate history. To show the beauty of preservation so when confronted with an opportunity to do so, they will. whether that means preserving an old piece of furniture or saving local landmarks.
    My "Gary" project is a form of art. It is meant to inspire, to get people to ponder and consider. I am painting a picture, composing a symphony, not just designing a city. When this work is done, I would rather people consider the ideas rather than my motivations.

    Now, having said all that, Mr. Trump is no artist, Maybe a Con-artist..
    I am certainly Not inspired by the Donald, "tormented" comes closer to describing my consideration of him.
    I cannot separate this man from his Policies. His policies reflect his arrogance.
    Stop and frisk
    35% tariffs
    "Theyre gonna pay"
    Bomb the hell out of em'
    Yeah, Great policies...
    Then consider all the stupid, vile, arrogant cr@p that just keeps tumbling out of his mouth...
    This is NOT the man I want representing me. These are NOT the policies I want representing Me...
    AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH.....we are all screwed.....Where are the Men, and women of Honor that are supposed to be there....
    We did this. Instead of insisting on the "best of the best", we have settled for and even more amazingly, fighting over the worst of the worst.

    Art asks us to reach for something, to be inspired. Whatever this election cycle is, is certainly not art...unless you consider "deception" and "war" to be arts
    Well m'dear, after all that I need to go read some poetry to cleanse myself...
    Lets have a wonderful day

      October 16, 2016 12:30 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you for a very thoughtful and articulate analysis in response to my question des and Happy Monday.  But if you could rely on and believe that he would implement many policies you could support might your distaste/disgust for him be set aside or no way Jose? Some of his supporters I truly believe detest him as a person but they keep harping on SCOTUS as the only reason they would support him. That presumes his nominees would be consented to by the Senate and if the Dems win back the majority he would be screwed just as the Republican Majority Senate has screwed Prez Obama and thwarted him and REFUSED to confirm his nominee. The ability/desire to screw goes beyond party lines sadly.  He is a dangerous man promulgating violence and inciting his unhinged supporters to haunt polling places looking for voter fraud. He threatens to have Hillary put in prison. He is so beyond normal that he really is a cartoon character of huge proportions but he has millions of supporters and many of them are second amendment folks and a few have made threats. I'm going to ask a question or two about that. We are in for dire times, dark times and I hope we survive them. Trump opened Pandora's Box and inflicted it on the country. He exemplifies pure evil. We will have him to thank for whatever comes next! :( This post was edited by RosieG at October 17, 2016 4:10 AM MDT
      October 17, 2016 4:09 AM MDT

  • 691
    I could but it does not matter because all we know is what they are saying is policy. What I know is that hillary's real policy is to lie, cover up, take bribes, lie, lie, cover more up. She has been involved in scandal after scandal because she is very greedy and uses her position to make millions and millions of dollars. She will help out anyone who donates to her foundation or her campaign and that is mostly banks and foreign governments who support ISIS.  That is all I need to know. I do not need to know what she says is policy because she said herself that she is two faced and will tell the people one thing when she is going to do another.

    I do not like trump either but there is no other alternative to keeping hillary out of office. I would prefer a dead president or no president or a fluffy dog as president before hillary.
      October 17, 2016 8:29 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello Rosie:

    Of course, I can't...  Cause the guy ATTACHED to those policies thinks it's just fine and dandy to ASSAULT women.  Look...  He's a PREDATOR..  What he thinks about taxes is IRRELEVANT.

      October 17, 2016 8:34 AM MDT

  • 2500
    And based on that same premise you couldn't vote for Hil_LIAR-y because she enabled her husband to actually commit those types of atrocities against women and then to defend him after he did; If it weren't for double standards, well, you know . . .
      October 17, 2016 11:08 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello again, Red:

    Truth is, they're BOTH flawed..  So, the deciding factor is the 4 or 5 Supreme Courts seats the next president is gonna fill..  On that basis, Hillary wins hands down.

      October 17, 2016 11:12 AM MDT

  • 2500
    On the Supreme Court question Trump wins hands-down. Unlike Hil-LIAR-y, he hasn't declared war on any of the first 10 Amendments. And with their decision on that pile of excrement called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act we already know how they're biased.

    And then there's Hil-LIAR-y's record as Secretary of State. You though Bush did bad things in the Middle East with the backing of a coalition of nations, just take a look at where Libya and Syria are at right now. Egypt would have gone that way too if not for a strong military that stepped up to the plate, for better or worse. But at least she racked up all those frequent flyer miles . . .

    I will always wonder if any of the USA's people overseas suffered horrific torture and maybe even died because of her malfeasant, self-serving activity in that job and her illegal use of a private e-mail server. (Ambassador Stevens and those who valiantly tired to rescue him not withstanding.) At the very least there are people currently serving long sentences in US prisons for having mistakenly made much less sensitive data available to the world. She's still not out of the woods on that yet; the recommendation was made by the head of the FBI not to prosecute (so much for the rule of law); she was NOT tried and acquitted.

    I could go on for pages about Hil-LIAR-y's nefarious activities and her overall incompetence, but Dems don't believe any of it.

    Trump, on the other hand, appears to be a competent businessman that learned his trade in the school of hard-knocks and made a comeback after blowing the base "Daddy" left him. He's FAR from the first businessman to make a comeback from total disaster. HEnry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, "the Commordore" are on that list of failed comebacks. And the best, the best those that oppose him can come up with that he's a type A personality with a testosterone level in overdrive (something common to most successful men, and probably most successful women when it comes right down to it).

    And then there's the question of who will become President if something should happen to the either while in office. (Let's face it, they're both starting their 7th decade and Hil-LIAR-y really appears to be in bad health; either could check out without warning). Tim Kane is a real dog turd. His only "accomplishment" when he was governor of The Old Dominion was to close a couple of rest stops along the Interstates. That leaves Mr. Pence on the Trump/Pence ticket . . . This post was edited by Salt and Red Pepper at October 17, 2016 12:07 PM MDT
      October 17, 2016 11:57 AM MDT

  • 18
    The reason I am for Trump is because he is a damn sight better then Hillary! Hillary has proven over time that she is willing to do anything and everything in order to stay in power~ She has lied and lied over and over again and people are taking her at face value and that is insane! 
      October 17, 2016 10:44 PM MDT

  • 18
    According to that logic you wouldn't have voted for Hillary either she defended a 12 year old's rapist got him off and then proceeded to laugh at that and her! That sickens me more then the words donald trump used! I am sorry Hillary has lied and lied about the things she has done!
      October 17, 2016 10:47 PM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) Another thing we have in common.  Whew.  Thank you for your reply excon. I agree with you. When the guy is an utterly disgusting pervert nothing he espouses is worthwhile. They come from a cesspool of filth and degeneration. Ain't my cuppa tea nohow noway notime!  :)
      November 6, 2016 7:02 AM MST

  • 3934
    Donald Trump has policies?

    Since when?
      October 17, 2016 10:46 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He says he has, His mouthpieces say he has. His kids say he has. His wife says he has. His 14 million plus worshippers say he has. They can't all be liars can they? Mahalo for your reply OS! :)
      November 6, 2016 7:04 AM MST

  • No they can't.  In fact they aren't all liars.   Some of them actually believe he does.  They aren't lying,  they just don't know WTF they are talking about.
      November 6, 2016 7:10 AM MST

  • 2515
    1. First of all, Donald Trump is no artist.There is nothing artistic about the politics he has created by himself, without his party's consent. This is why many party leaders, senators, and congressmen have problems with him.
    2. In case of the president of the United States, you cannot separate the man/woman from the job. He or she is the job.
    3. This is why it's the media's job to scrutinize each candidate so severely, so the American public will know what they are getting. 
    4. So is the media rigged? Do they favor one over the other? Not really, as they are running a "horse race" to keep in business. If one gets ahead, They release information to bring the other candidate up in the polls. It's like a game. 
    5. This election has gotten nasty, but look at the background of each candidate. Trump is a real estate tycoon, a beauty pageant owner, a casino business owner, a TV show reality show entertainer, etc. Hillary has been in politics over 30 years. She is a lawyer, has been an activist, is married to a man who was a governor and a president of the United States, in which she served as First Lady. She was also a state senator. Both have been around the block several times, etc. 
    6. The job of the President of the US is not solely about the party politics and policies. It is about the individual, with the power of the executive branch. The most important part of the job is in making the sole decision of using nuclear weapons.
    7. So who do you trust to push the red button? 
      November 6, 2016 8:58 AM MST