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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "My justice department. My military. My generals." My A**! No duck. WE THE PEOPLE hired you and we FIRED you. Nothing is yours. Ya know?

"My justice department. My military. My generals." My A**! No duck. WE THE PEOPLE hired you and we FIRED you. Nothing is yours. Ya know?

Posted - December 4, 2020


  • 10562
    he is the only person in his world.  In that world he owns all, knows all, can do anything, say anything, and everyone grovels at his feet, praising his greatness.

    he made a term great in the early 2000's, and now it's back to bite him in the backside.... "youre fired!"
      December 4, 2020 2:21 PM MST

  • 113301
    What goes around comes around! Ya know duck lost the popular vote to Hillary in 2016 by almost 3 million! He lost the popular vote to Joe by 7 million. So his loss was more than doubled! If he runs again in 2024 he will lose by 14 million or more. Maybe it's worth it just to see him lose so bigly? I will ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      December 5, 2020 2:54 AM MST

  • 10562
    I think he may enjoy losing (something new to him).  he not only lost the election, but every subsequent election suit he's filled.  he's the loser who keeps on losing.  
      December 5, 2020 11:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    He is a LOSER ADDICT. It must turn him on because he goes way out of his way to lose. Go figger. Well we know his brain is insane and wired weird to boot. Whatcha gonna do? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      December 7, 2020 5:31 AM MST

  • 16630
    Anybody he fires who he didn't hire will be rehired in scant weeks. Those he DID hire will either be fired by him or by Joe and are no loss.
    A few generals have gone on the record as saying the military will "evict trespassers from the WH" should the Secret Service not do so.
      December 5, 2020 3:48 AM MST

  • 113301
    Exactly to whom or of whom were the generals referring or speaking? Joe Biden et al or the duck and his cabal? Can we trust the military to put country first? I know. You're an Aussie and I'm the American and I should know so why am I asking you? Just in case you've got a solid answer since I have no clue on whom we the people can depend. I don't. I sure wish I did but I don't. If duck corrupted everything totally then legislative and justice are shot to he**. Military may stage a coup. Executive no longer exists and will have to be rebuilt from bottom up. I mean you can't build anything from top down. What would a roof sit upon if it were built first? Now I'm babbling. Apologies. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      December 7, 2020 5:36 AM MST

  • 33856
    In any case, he is not fired until Jan 20.  
      December 7, 2020 5:45 AM MST

  • 2706
    You don't seem to be aware of how our Constitutional form of government works. We the people don't fire anyone. That would happen only in a pure democracy (demagogue/mob-rule), which America is not. At least not yet. We are a Constitutional Republic. And in a Constitutional Republic the citizens vote them out of office not fire them. The closest thing to a firing would be the impeachment process and that's done by the Senate, not by the citizens.

      The President is the commander and chief of the military. Though he may not own it per se, he does command it. So in that sense the military is his. To command however he sees fit. To a point anyhow. Because in the past, Congress has put restrictions on what the President can and cannot do with the military in certain and specific areas and at specific times. This is called checks and balances.


      December 7, 2020 9:04 AM MST

  • 13277
      December 7, 2020 9:10 AM MST