1. Channel-surf
2. Raid the refrigerator, pig out
3. Discuss the last scene(s) they’ve seen or speculate about the upcoming scene(s) that they will see
Not really. Just look to the description field for a clue.
Perhaps a good point, so I edited the question accordingly, even though a look at the description field gives a clue.
1. Go have a smoke.
2. Get a snack.
3. Get a beer.
4. Use the toilet. (Or sink.)
5. Clean the kitchen. (really)
6. Let the cat in/out.
Er, um, I most certainly did say. The word “Let’s” means all of us, the words “a list” mean one list complied collectively, not a whole bunch of separate lists. I already stated that the next time I post a similar type question, I will clarify those parameters.