No because as after googling (should have done this first) Trump was talking about how CA passed environmental laws to protect the Delta smelt (a small fish) and is diverting water into the ocean. I have known about this for years and not from info wars. Trump did not say his information was from info wars.... biased reporters claim he is quoting infowars as if they are the only site claiming the drought is man made.
I'm not talking about fish.. I'm talking about Trump saying the election is RIGGED.. It's Trump saying Hillary is on DRUGS. That stuff is straight outta Alex Jones mouth.
Like AS just replied none of that stuff is new. Even Hillary being doped up. Was started because of the video that came out where she looked on the edge saying "Why aren't I 50 pl points ahead?" Also when she was sick and having coughing fits....she didn't cough during the debate but the next day was back coughing again. I seen a pict claiming she was wearing something that kept her from coughing.
Again I don't follow infowars this is everywhere. But the 50 pts video is the main reason people this she is doped.
Never thought about that cough issue with Hil-LIAR-y. But now that you mention it . . . And I seem to remember that Heroin was first marketed by Bayer as a remedy for coughs because it was such an effective cough control . . . I'll bet Hil-LIAR-y is using heroin . . . . start spreadin' the word . . . *
(*Example of left-wing Democrat thought "process" . . . )
This post was edited by Salt and Red Pepper at October 17, 2016 11:05 AM MDT
No, he didn't. Alex Jones has never reached any definite conclusion on it. He's just pointed out some strange irregularities and a shadowy lack of transparency.
Donald Trump has never expressed any view on it.
He may be easy to mock, but Alex Jones has exposed the establishment more than anyone else alive. The man is a legend.
Alek Jones says it too so it must be false? Alek Jones would probably say that today is monday so you must believe it is friday. I think it is monday too OMG I quoted that straight from his mouth!