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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If bozo and his motley mugsy thugs had been treated during his transition period as he is treating JOE wouldjha have blown a gasket?

If bozo and his motley mugsy thugs had been treated during his transition period as he is treating JOE wouldjha have blown a gasket?

How many of the bozo adoring worshippers would have stood for it for one minute? All the crap and sass and lack of helpful information?

They'd  sit on their a**es and say nothing? Sure. You betchum red ryder. Sure.

DESPICABLE PREDICTABLY EXPECTED. What the bozo mugsy thugs are doing/saying and not.

Posted - December 20, 2020


  • 2706
     Lest you forget, Trump was treated much worse in 2016 and has been up to this point in time.  Frankly though, even if it's a common occurrence, this sort of behavior, from both parties, has reached the danger zone. Adults acting like spoiled children is embarrassing. What's worse is their disregard and hatred for the Constitution and for the citizens they are supposed to represent!

      What's happened to our pride in this country? What's happened to showing respect for our military, police, and each other? What's happened to our integrity, patriotism, and love for this country? When I was young it was common to see all of this on a daily basis. Flags were flying everywhere. People, with hat in hand and hand over the heart, would stand for the singing of the national anthem. Sports figures would stand for the national anthem. What do they do now?

      When was the last time you thanked a police officer for their service? When was the last time you thanked a veteran or anyone in the military for their service? Many of the people of this United States of America have lost touch with its history and what it took to build it into a great country. Instead, they focus on their hatred for it and what it stands for.
      December 20, 2020 11:14 AM MST