Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» What Makes YOu HAPPY? Making lots and lots and lots and lots of MONEY? You are not alone. So how much money would make you ECSTATIC?
There are several things that make me happy but money isn't one of them. Becoming rich was never a priority for me. I was always satisfied with simply having a job and living within my means. :)
Me too. Money is not my carrot. Neither is social status or notoriety or being "liked". What is? Just that I be left alone to live my life as I see fit and not have to conform to all the robotic braindead nitwits who adore a vile evil corrupt wicked snake of a devil. That's it. Thank you for your reply ru and Happy Thursday to you! :)
just enough to live comfortably and be stable, which is what we do now. of course a little more wouldn’t hurt but it’s not like I’m miserable without it
More money that I need to be comfortable is a burden, and would make me a target. No thanks. If I hit the lottery I'll accept it anonymously and allow my accountant brother to handle it for the children's and grandchildren's inheritance.