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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » NOT FAIR! The "right" to speak freely includes the "right" to lie 24/7 almost 60,000 times. OKAY. Where is the right NOT TO BE LIED ABOUT?

NOT FAIR! The "right" to speak freely includes the "right" to lie 24/7 almost 60,000 times. OKAY. Where is the right NOT TO BE LIED ABOUT?

Sure. Go to court and sue for defamation of character. Expense and time and a jury will probably vote pro defamers. Usually ther rich white guy.

Why is it you don't have to go to court to sue for the right to lie about people?

The Constitution does not say you have the RIGHT TO LIE. That was the Supreme Court what decided that was a right folks had...especially the republican folks who have an art of it.

So it costs time and money to defend yourself against a lie but no time at all or expense to tell a lie about someone?


Posted - January 13, 2021


  • 2706
      Because the First Amendment is designed to further the pursuit of truth, it may not protect individuals who engage in slander or libel, which would include name-calling, attacks on a person's character, etc. Especially those who display actual malice by knowingly publishing false information or publishing information “with reckless disregard for the truth.”

      As a general rule, however, the government doesn't stand as the definer of truth, which is designed to emerge from the clash of opinions rather than from government fiat. Legally, it is difficult to identify a false opinion, although courts are consistently called upon to weigh factual evidence in both civil and criminal cases. 

      Of course, we also have "original intent". What was the original intent of the Framers when they crafted the Constitution and the Amendments? I personally believe that one needs to read and study the Constitution "as a whole" to find that out. Unfortunately, most people haven't or won't do that. Instead, they would rather rely upon others to do it for them. This, in turn, equates to Constitutional illiteracy.
      January 13, 2021 11:03 AM MST