Employing women indicates you respect those individuals at least in the ways relevant to their work. Though it says little about your general opinion of them and even less about your general opinion of women. The idea of respecting such general things as "women" or "men" is ridiculous. I neither respect nor disrespect women or men. The concept is so general it has no meaning.
One of the reasons why accusing Trump of not respecting women is such an effective smear is because there really is no way to refute it. Respect, or lack of it, is something that exists in the mind. Nobody can prove what their motives are in doing anything.
Respecting women in the sense of having due regard for their feelings is very subjective. Many women have such a sense of entitlement to their feelings being pandered to, it is really impossible for them to be happy.
In the political arena, I believe the due regard for women's feelings to be the same as due regard for men's feelings. In other words, not much!