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Antifa thugs rioted and protested against Biden in Denver, Portland, and Seattle. Will the Democrats finally take them seriously?

Not only did they riot, but they burned Biden-Harris signs and attacked the Oregon Democratic Party offices.  Democrats spent most of last summer running cover for Antifa.  They downplayed the violence in which Antifa engaged.  They blamed Trump for the violence.  Are they now going to realize that they can't control this monster that they have created?  Are they finally going to recognize that these people want to destroy all of the government as they seek to replace it with Marxism?  Or are the Democrats just going to keep going farther and farther to the left in order to get the support of these anarchists?

Posted - January 21, 2021


  • The Democrats really haven't gone very far to the left. They're still very much centrist.

    But I'd like to ask a question: how come going far to the right is good for Republicans but going far to the left is bad for Democrats? Why is the right allowed to become more extreme, but the left isn't?
      January 21, 2021 11:03 AM MST

  • 58

    The Democrats are centrist!?!  The party in which communist-loving Berney Sanders keeps having a decent showing in the Presidential primary is centrist?  The party of Harold Ford who has a portrait of Mao Zedong in his living room is centrist?
    Harold Ford Mao
    The party that refused to condemn the Marxist ogranizations of Antifa and Black Lives Matters is centrist?  The party that allows Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rachida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar and other avowed socialists a prominent voice in policy making is centrist?

    Sorry, but the Democratic Party is NOT a centrist party.  They have been moving farther and father to the left.  They never would have supported these kinds of people and their policies when I started voting.

    As for the right becoming more and more extreme, how so?  I just gave you a number examples of how the Democrat party is embracing extreme left-wing positions.  How have the right been moving more to the extreme?  Give some examples.

    This post was edited by Glenn_Blaylock at January 21, 2021 2:21 PM MST
      January 21, 2021 12:32 PM MST

  • The Democrats are a corporatist party that do the bidding of their wealthiest donors. There are some strong left-wing voices just as there are strong right-wing voices in the Republican party but they don't tend to be the ones shaping policy. The fact that Biden won is proof that the centrist wing is still very popular and still what controls the party. Biden did not support universal healthcare or the Green New Deal or many of the more left-wing policies that AOC et al. wanted. I would personally like to see the party move further to the left but that would require a restructuring of the two-party system and I'd rather see the two-party system end than the Democrats improve. The two-party system works because the parties are not as different as the wedge issue BS would have you believe. 

    The right has become more extreme in embracing nationalist movements, strict isolationism, the embracing of conspiracy theories and politics of resentment. Moderate voices in the Republican party are denounced as RINOs and "liberals in disguise" because they won't embrace the proto-fascist "stop the steal" movement...

      January 21, 2021 2:24 PM MST

  • 58

    The Democrats aren't doing the bidding of their wealthiest donors!?!  You really want to go there?  You have Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Amazon, and Google working with the Democrats to silence conservative voices.  Let's just look at one example, Parler.  Parler was a small competitor to Facebook and Twitter for sharing news.  These various left-wing corporations shut them down claiming that Parler didn't do enough to shut down violence.  Meanwhile, these same sites have done nothing to shut down the calls for violence from Black Lives Matter supports and Antifa.  Let's also not forget how these same site censored all information on the corruption revealed on Hunter Biden's laptop while actively promoting the lies about Trump colluding with Russian in 2016.  These mega donars are joined at the hip with the Democratic party to stifle free speach in such a way as to protect Democrats while allow those of us on the right to be attacked physically and rhetorically.  The last time I checked, censorship was also not a centrist value.

    As for not supporting the left-wing policies that AOC wanted, have actually read Biden's platform?  Rather than simply listening to his stump speeches have you actually read the policy positions that Biden's campaign put out?  All of the extreme left-wing policies are in there.  Biden doesn't support the green new deal?  Then why did he just cancel the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline?  If he is not embracing the Green New Deal, then why has Biden halted oil leases on federal lands?  These are both things that were pushed for in the Green New Deal.  Under Trump we became energy Independent for the first time in decades.  Biden is already taking us in the opposite direction.  Under Trump, and here in Texas, we have been enjoying gas prices of around $1.70/gallon for the last couple of years.  Today, on Biden's second day in office, after he signed these executive orders which will reduce the supply, prices have already jumped to around $2.05/gallon.  We'll just have to see how much higher it goes as Biden continues to attack the energy sector.  This IS one of the things that the Green New Deal wanted.

    I'm not going to go into the rest of what you said Biden didn't embrace.  The fact of the matter is that, if you actually look at his platform statement, he did embrace all of those things.

    As for you accusations against Republicans, what I see there are a bunch of vague accusations and platitudes, but no actual examples.  Once again, I have given you verifiable examples.  All you gave for your accusations of how Republicans have gone to the extreme right is talking points with no backup.

    Oh, and one more thing, you accuse of being pro-fascists.  Well, let's look at the established record one last time.  Fascists believed in using violence to further their political ends and they believed in silencing those who dare to disagree with them.  Now, once again, which party was it that refused to condemn Antifa and BLM who went on rampages through our cities for months over the summer and are even still rampage in some cities to this day?  Oh, yeah, it's the Democrats.  Which party is it that is cheering on Big Tech as they censor conservatives but now Democrats?  Oh, yeah, It's the Democrats.  So, who is it that is really behaving like fascists?  THE DEMOCRATS!

    Sorry, but you have absolutely no moral high ground from which to call anyone a fascist.

      January 21, 2021 10:31 PM MST

  • "The Democrats aren't doing the bidding of their wealthiest donors!?!"

    Read my first sentence again: "The Democrats are a corporatist party that do the bidding of their wealthiest donors". I'm guessing you omitted a word in your skimming of my response."

    "Parler was a small competitor to Facebook and Twitter for sharing news."

    That's an awfully starry-eyed way of describing a site that consisted mostly of mediocre white resentment and gun-toting rhetoric. It was a place for people who had been booted off of other social media sites to air their grievances. 

    "These various left-wing corporations shut them down claiming that Parler didn't do enough to shut down violence."

    Yes, you do not have the freedom to threaten violence. It was apparently the threats to execute Mike Pence that led to Apple's decision to remove the app from their site. Not a protected right, sorry.

    "Meanwhile, these same sites have done nothing to shut down the calls for violence from Black Lives Matter supports and Antifa."

    Can you provide a specific example of this? Anecdotally I have seen far-left Twitter accounts banned, not to mention the Chapo Trap House subreddit. What kind of violence was called for and what was not shut down?

    "Let's also not forget how these same site censored all information on the corruption revealed on Hunter Biden's laptop while actively promoting the lies about Trump colluding with Russian in 2016."

    First of all, that was nothing but a conspiracy theory with no substance. There was no "corruption revealed on Hunter Biden's laptop". The entire story was never verified. It's true that Trump collusion story was also bogus but you'd have to show me the way in which these companies "promoted" it and the exact reason Twitter suppressed this story.

    "These mega donars are joined at the hip with the Democratic party to stifle free speach in such a way as to protect Democrats while allow those of us on the right to be attacked physically and rhetorically."

    You do not have a right to not be "attacked rhetorically" (whatever that even means). You do not have a right to not be disagreed with or criticized strongly, so that is a non-starter. It seems to me that you have a conundrum: on one hand, conservatives stress corporate freedom but when those corporations are run by liberals that freedom is suddenly dangerous. What do you propose as a solution, nationalization of social media? There's something to be said for the way in which social media sites have become public spaces and there is a legitimate question of whether they should be subject to free speech rules as any other public venue would be. But again, I never said Democrats don't do the bidding of donors, I said the exact opposite of that in the first place. Big Tech and other corporations control politics. That is absolutely true.

    I'll continue to respond to the rest of your statement later. 

      January 21, 2021 11:58 PM MST

  • 58
    "'Meanwhile, these same sites have done nothing to shut down the calls for violence from Black Lives Matter supports and Antifa.'

    Can you provide a specific example of this? Anecdotally I have seen far-left Twitter accounts banned, not to mention the Chapo Trap House subreddit. What kind of violence was called for and what was not shut down?"

     could go on, but the sources are sufficient.  How many of these people's accounts have been supsended.  Antifa  and Black Lives Matter have been responsible for the majority of mob violence of the last several months.  Why are their accounts still active?

    You say that the Hunter Biden laptop story was 'nothing but a conspiracy theory with no substance. There was no "corruption revealed on Hunter Biden's laptop'. The entire story was never verified."  How do you know that?  Have you examined the data?  Have you looked at the documents that were found on the laptop?  Have you talked to Hunter's parters who provided their own coroberating documents to back up what was on the laptop?  Some how I don't think so.  If you are honest you will admit that you are basing your assertion that there is no substance to the story on the reporting from the media.  In other words, you are basing your opinion of the story on the same people who spent three years lying to you about Trump-Russian collusion.  Below find a montage of the various media outlets announcing the latest lies in that hoax.  As you watch it, notice the excitement in their voices as they begin.  These people are NOT dispassionate purveyors of the news.  They are partisan hacks enthusiastically pushing the latest leftists pieces of disinformation about the hoax.  So, why should I trust what they had to say about Hunter Biden's laptop?  Of course they are going to lie abut it just as they lied about Trump-Russian collusion because both of their these lies further their political agenda.  I am glad that you acknowledge that the Russian collusion story was not true.  So, why do you conintue to believe those who kept pushing it.  Aren't you offended that they spent so much time lying to YOU?

    So, after all of that, how many of their accounts have been suspended for spreading false information.  How many of them were even warned by Twitter, Facebook, etc., for pushing all of these lies about Trump?  I haven't heard of them being sanctioned in any way for the lies that they told.  Have you?  Yet, once again, These same sites censored the Hunter Biden story on the basis of the reporting from these proven liars.  They never examined the actual evidence.  They never talked to the principals in the story.  All they did was ask Biden and his campaign about the story and accepted what they said about it rather than actually investigating.

    I'll admit that I have looked at the actual evidence either.  However, my sources were right about the Trump-Russian collusion story.  They dug out the evidence that showed that that story was bogus from the beginning and that the officials knew it.  They are now telling me that the evidence on Hunter's laptop is substantial and damning.  So, who should I trust, the media who have done nothing but lie about Trump or my sources who got the story right?
    I don't have time to read and respond to any more of your post.  I other things that I have to do.  So, I am going to leave it here.
      January 22, 2021 10:18 AM MST

  • "All of the extreme left-wing policies are in there."

    Which ones? You cited one that apparently represents "extreme left-wing policy", although it's debatable how extreme it is. Many in the petroleum industry know that pivoting to renewable energy is the best way forward, both for jobs and for the planet. But this is never explored by the right. To them, there are no jobs in renewable energy, we need constant fossil fuel extraction because fossil fuel reserves are unlimited. You are right that Biden has embraced some aspects of the Green New Deal, I was wrong to say he rejected it, though not all. But Biden does not support "Medicare For All", he does not support open borders, he does not support free higher education...these are all fairly far-left policies that were supported by more radical candidates and Biden does not embrace them. So I would like to know how Biden is "extreme left-wing". His most radical platform does appear to be climate and energy policy, particularly supporting the phasing out of gas vehicles (something I do support, even if it is idealistic. If demand for oil goes down then it doesn't matter that the supply diminishes. It will diminish gradually as cars become more fuel efficient and electric vehicles become more prevalent).

    "Fascists believed in using violence to further their political ends and they believed in silencing those who dare to disagree with them. "

    Ah, much like those who stormed the Capitol? Much like those who wished that Courts, the president, or sheer violent action should overrule the will of the people? Yes, that fascist and I absolutely can call it so. Many who identify as Antifa are ultimately anarchists, which is the exact opposite of fascism, so it really doesn't make sense to water down the meaning of "fascism", which is inherently authoritarian.

    "Now, once again, which party was it that refused to condemn Antifa and BLM who went on rampages through our cities for months over the summer and are even still rampage in some cities to this day?"

    Democrats (including Biden) have condemned the violence and looting, multiple times. As your very question demonstrates, Antifa has no regard for Democrats or Biden and they see them as the enemy. 

    "Which party is it that is cheering on Big Tech as they censor conservatives"

    You would have to demonstrate that no left-wing voices are silenced on social media (they are) and you would have to demonstrate that right-wingers are unfairly targeted. If it so happens that right-wingers more often engage in violent threats or the spreading of false information, it's no surprise that they will be targeted more. Your romantic view of "daring to disagree" glosses over the reasons these people and these sites are shut down. Which Big Tech, as private companies accountable to no one or public companies accountable only to their shareholders, have the right to do.

    As for the Republicans moving far-right under Trumpism, some examples:
    -Trump's championing of "America First" ideology.
    -the attacks on the press as the "enemy of the people", seeming to conveniently ignore a part of the First Amendment. 
    -the not-so-subtle racism of regarding people Tlaib, Omar, and AOC as non-American because they are of immigrant descent (or are immigrants in the case of Omar). Birtherism, which Trump championed, is itself an embrace of the far-right in its othering of non-white Americans who can't be "true Americans" under this view.
    -Trump and the Republicans' refusal to strongly condemn conspiracy movements like QAnon and far-right organizations like the Proud Boys
    -It remains to be seen in a later election, but I think right-wing populism, as championed by Trump, will become the future of the party. I also do think the Democrats will move further left, especially on the environment and healthcare.

    I'm also not sure what point you're trying to prove by constantly slamming the Democrats. I already stated that they are corporatist (they're also war-mongering just like the Republicans) and that the two-party system is BS. I really don't care which party is "worse", they both suck. But I'm not going to pretend only one is moving toward an ideological extreme. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 22, 2021 12:35 AM MST
      January 22, 2021 12:18 AM MST

  • 2706
    If they go any further to the left they'll be outside the stadium.
      January 21, 2021 12:42 PM MST

  • Yeah, not really. Keep believing that, though. But I understand to many anyone to the left of Mussolini is a "far left radical".  This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 21, 2021 7:07 PM MST
      January 21, 2021 2:24 PM MST

  • 19937
    Well, at least they won't fall off the edge of the earth like the Republicans will.
      January 21, 2021 3:11 PM MST

  • 53629


      Tsk, tsk! Don’t you know that with Harris-Biden at the helm, EVERYTHING is automatically going to be perfect in the United States, and therefore in the entire world? Haven’t you been paying attention to the rhetoric touting how they and their ilk have all the right answers? You should be ashamed of yourself for even thinking in any way negatively toward their side, but not to worry: some on the left have already begun the outcry for reprogramming of people who do not think like them. Your berth at a concentration re-education camp is being prepared even as this goes to print. Their secret police will pay you a visit to cart you away.

    ”You best git yer mind right, Luke.”

      January 21, 2021 1:15 PM MST

  • 5450
    For everything to have gone perfect in the United States and the entire world, we would need to live in the alternate universe where Donald Trump never became President in the first place.

      January 21, 2021 2:35 PM MST

  • 53629


      I’m referring to the perfection that they offer us from this day forward. History cannot be reversed. 


      January 21, 2021 7:22 PM MST

  • 5450
    I think you’re looking at this the wrong way.  Antifa hated Donald Trump and now they hate Joe Biden.  That just means they’re fair and unbiased, which puts them way ahead of, umm, news reporters.
      January 21, 2021 2:28 PM MST

  • Yeah, I may not agree with Antifa, but no one can disagree that they have principles and they stick to them. The same can't be said for the major parties. 
      January 21, 2021 2:39 PM MST

  • 10052
      January 21, 2021 7:09 PM MST