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You probably agree with me that this is your last day here as our sign-maker, right?



Posted - January 31, 2021


  • 10509
    But boss, I just wanted to see how many people actually read.  2 out of 1,464.

    Now that's executive level thinking!  You'll go far here.

    BTW - the signage is correct.   The door is an entrance only, therefor those on the inside should not go out it.   The need for the top sign is explained by the bottom one.  
      January 31, 2021 10:02 PM MST

  • 53048

    This is going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me!

      February 6, 2021 9:30 PM MST

  • 10509
    You... booted right upstairs to the office of executive vice president.... to the senior vice president of vice presidents for the South/northern Division on the eastern portion of the west coast.  My position is so prestigious that my new office has its very own executive bathroom... in the same room!  Why, my position is so high up that my office has 6 (count them, six) wet floor signs - 2 of which are holding up my new desk.  Yes, siree, I'm really going places!
      February 7, 2021 4:08 PM MST

  • It's OK.  I'll return to my previous job at the transport agency.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at February 7, 2021 1:17 PM MST
      February 6, 2021 9:21 PM MST

  • 53048


      Hey, wait . . .

      February 6, 2021 9:27 PM MST

  • 5453
    As the supervisor at the department of transportation, I’m happy that she’s coming back to work for us.  She was our best employee!

      February 7, 2021 1:24 PM MST

  • 53048
      February 7, 2021 5:19 PM MST

  • 7777
    Sign-making isn't my shtick. Self loathing is.
      February 6, 2021 9:53 PM MST

  • 53048


      I’ve just met with the Human Resources  Clerk and we went over your personnel file, self-loathing is not part of your job description here. Clear out your desk, turn in your access card, parking pass and security badge, and be out of the building by 5 pm. Grrrrrrr. 


      February 8, 2021 10:33 AM MST

  • 7777

      February 8, 2021 11:44 AM MST

  • 16378
    In Australia, about 50 miles north of the capital, Canberra, there's a town called Yass. There's a McDonald's there, and this happened ...

    This post was edited by Slartibartfast at February 7, 2021 1:17 PM MST
      February 6, 2021 10:07 PM MST