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Discussion » Questions » Relationships » In 1978, she invited him to go out with her, she had $108 to spend (or not spend). Where did they go, and how much money was left over?

In 1978, she invited him to go out with her, she had $108 to spend (or not spend). Where did they go, and how much money was left over?







Posted - February 10, 2021


  • 10052
    I'm not old enough to remember the cost of anything in 1978!  

      February 10, 2021 9:06 PM MST

  • 53687

      1. Questionable protestation. 
      2. Lack of imagination. 

    Fifteen demerits for each violation. 


    And reported. Grrrrrrr.


      February 10, 2021 10:28 PM MST

  • 10052
    Okay, okay. I do seem to remember being able to get a 45 for $1.00 at the "variety store". 

    I'll bet $108 would have been enough for an evening at the Ice Capades. 

    (Please take back some of those demerits! PLEASE!!)

      February 11, 2021 8:42 PM MST

  • 17660
     I believe my mom had the same lamps in the living room back then.

    You guys went to see the movie Animal House or either Superman  and then had burgers at a local spot.  You then stopped at a park to walk a while before returning to her house.  It was a fun evening and only used about $20, if that much. 
      February 10, 2021 9:22 PM MST

  • 53687

      Let’s see. Movie tickets might have cost approximately $2.50 each, burgers with fries and drinks about $1.50 per person. That’s $8 total, so she would have had $100 left. 


      February 11, 2021 8:29 PM MST

  • 10797
    They went to Mcdonald's and she had $99.15 left, as somehow he "forgot" his wallet.
      February 10, 2021 11:11 PM MST

  • 53687


      (She invited him out.)

      February 10, 2021 11:53 PM MST

  • 10797
    I know.  That's what makes the reply funny. 

    Wait.. you didn't think the McDonald's part was the joke, did you?  Come On.. the dude's so nervous and trying to act "super-cool" that he doesn't even know her hand's on his back.  If he had HAD his wallet, he'd tried to tip the "waiter" just to impress her.
      February 11, 2021 10:02 AM MST

  • 53687


      Who is really using your computer? Your cat has taken over again, has tied you up, placed the dog’s muzzle on you and locked you in the closet. If you want help, just let me know by blinking once for yes or twice for no. 

      February 11, 2021 10:09 AM MST

  • 10797
    Woof  Woof  Bark
      February 11, 2021 10:50 AM MST

  • 1952
    Maybe she took him to Pizza hut, then afterwards they went to a bar where she bought him all kinds of fancy drinks with little umbrellas, then they went to her place and she took advantage him..... Hey it could have happened.:)
      February 11, 2021 10:49 AM MST

  • 53687


    Pizza Hut: about $10
    Drinks: about $15 to $20
    Total: $25 to $30


    She still had $78 to $83 remaining. 


      February 11, 2021 11:29 AM MST

  • 1952
    Guess she had to save some money for that other guy she's been dating. :)
      February 11, 2021 3:53 PM MST

  • 53687


      Hey, wait . . . !



      February 11, 2021 6:31 PM MST

  • 1952
    LOL :)
      February 11, 2021 6:47 PM MST