Get you sh** together and fix your name for this approach.
I’m on board with both of you on this, Jane and Ansley.
I agree with you, Jane.
You’re not alone at all on this, Welby. I won’t satisfy them by naming the product, but there is an ad campaign that has lasted about two years in which both their television commercials and radio commercials feature a happily uttered line of profanity that is only slightly altered in a less than halfhearted attempt to disguise its filth, even though there is no mistaking the vulgarity. Of course, they’re patting themselves on the back for being clever, funny, cool, with it, hip, whatever, and they’re laughing all the way to the bank for roping in the lowest common denominator demographic that gravitates to that type of thing. I vowed from the first day that I heard it that I will never spend one penny on their product line.
It’s the visual aspect of it that I find off-putting.