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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is so darn adorable! California DEMOCRATIC governor Gavin Newsome is facing a recall effort. Any Republicans facing likewise anywhere?

This is so darn adorable! California DEMOCRATIC governor Gavin Newsome is facing a recall effort. Any Republicans facing likewise anywhere?


The Winya** spinless Senate Republicans wiffed TWICE and refused to do the right thing.

FOOTOO will go down in history as the worst "prez" ever. So too will the FOOTOO FOOLS in the Senate. The worst ever.

Signal achievement. They are so very proud of themselves. Aren't they cute?

Posted - February 20, 2021


  • 2706
      The Democrat governor here in Michigan is also facing a recall and for good reason. The worse President ever? Unless things change in a dramatic way, that distinction already belongs to Joe Biden. My opinion of course. :)
      February 20, 2021 5:16 AM MST

  • 10560
    Yes, the governor of Alaska.  However, it is rather suspicious that 4 out of the 5 recall attempts are for democrat governors.  

    In California, it's the republican party who's behind the recall attempt (although most people don't realize that).  

    I will admit Newsome's done a few things that I do not support.  However, I don't think he's done enough to be recalled.  And a  high percentage of Californians believe like me.   No governor is going to be liked 100% (I mean, which california governor haven't they tried to get recalled?)  However, the core of the recall in california is pure party politics.  The last 4 years have divide this country more than it was in the civil war.  It's not simply disagreeing, it's utter hatred.  Neither party can see beyond their own nose.  Each thinks they are right and will obstinately defend that opinion - even if it means violence.  Each party hates anyone of the other party so much, that no matter what a person in the other party does, it's wrong.  Rationality has completely gone out the window.  People have become blinded by their political hate.  They adamantly defend lies and hearsay because doing otherwise would dishonor their party.  I don't mean just politicians, but regular people as well.  

    When something bad happens, people want someone to blame.  "It's so-and so's fault, they must pay!"  Our current political situation is no different.  Some blame trump, some blame the republican party as a whole, others blame the democrats.  While they all share some of the blame, it all doesn't rest squarely on their shoulders.  Much of that "blame" rests on our shoulders ("we the people").  There are more of "us" that they are of "them".  They can strike a match, but we are the ones who fan the flames.  They light the torch, we carry it.  It doesn't matter which party one "belongs" to, or their race, or gender, or religion... we ALL share in the blame.   We just don't want to admit it.
      February 20, 2021 1:22 PM MST

  • 113301
    So I'm partially to blame for the insurrectionists? Did you know that the QANONS are planning to celebrate on March 4? They believe that is the day FOOTOO will be inaugirated as president for 4 more years. Do I share blame in hate groups existence? I dunno Shuhak. I am trying to see if from your perspective. How is it my fault folks voted for FOOTOO? Or why would I share the blame for all his lies and all the things his devoted mob has done on his behalf? What part of me betrayed me like that? I'm having trouble getting anywhere near your premise. Sorry about that. Thank you for your reply! :)
      February 21, 2021 7:58 AM MST

  • 10560
    You're thinking individually, I was going more along the lines of collectively.

    "We" (collectively) have the power to stop all this crap.  "We" always have.  But "we" are so selfishly divided that "we" refuse.  How many people were outraged at what happened on Dec. 6?  A few?  Several?  Many?  A lot?  A vast majority?   Were all those outraged people just democrats, or were there some republicans mixed in?  (I mean regular people, not politicians)  Yet "we" allowed our politicians to sweep it under the rug.  Oh, some voiced their objections, but the ones who had the power to do something about it refused.  Politicians are controlled by us.  "We" put them there and "we can take then out (cite: the current 5 recall attempts).  If over 80% of the country was outraged, why did they let the other 20% win?  Again, there are more of "us" that there of them.  "We" (those who have the ability) elect and then reelect the same people who keep doing the same deeds that "we" are outraged by.  "We" love to place blame - the democrats, the republicans, Qanon, or whatever, but part of that blame (responsibility) rests on "us".   Sure people like you and I try to do what is right, but "we" (again, collectively) don't.  "We" allow them to "interpret" the constitution any which way they desire to justify their actions (how long before murder is called "freedom of speech"?).  "We" allow our elected leaders to pass laws that favor the criminal (how long before the criminals have more rights that the victim?).   We as individuals can be intelligent or dumb.  But "we" collectively are outright stupid.  
      February 21, 2021 10:14 AM MST

  • 113301
    The we of whom or of which you speak does NOT INCLUDE our ilk Shuhak. The representatives for whom we vote to represent us have not done that. They tell us what they want us to believe but have no intention of following through on our behalf. Some pols do listen to their constituents. Some pols do represent them. The trouble is the QANON supporters..the hate groupd adorers...the FOOTOO groupies have a different value system. It does not exist of things things like honor integrity morality justice truth. It consists entirely of power and being loyal to that power no matter what. That is not anything that we (you and me and others like us) support or want. BUT the powers that be who can do something do nothing. For 8 years of President Obama's administration moscow mitch was a perfect son of an itch. He rolled over and did what he needed to do to survive the FOOTOO. But with Joe Biden he goes back to being the son of an itch he is at heart. How do WE (thee and me) have any say in that? His KENTUCKY constituents voted him back in again. Not my doing or yours so how are we part of the any we that allows that? We are not. But he is what he is and got re-elected. Remember 74 million FOOTOO adoring worshipperes voted for him. We were not part of that. We are part of the 81 million who voted for Joseph R. Biden! Additionally and more importantly we did not fall down any rabbit hole and land in an alternate universe. All of them did and apparently that is where they live today. Which is why I think there was massive PSYCHOTIC BREAK that took all of them down that hole. I refuse to allow others to take my blame. I don't mind so much if they take my glory or accomplishments. But I WILL NOT TAKE ANY BLAME I DON"T DESERVE and m'dear taking blame for the "success" of FOOTOO is not on me or thee. It is on all of "them". The whinya** spineless terrified toadies, the adoring worshippers and all the lemmings. Really Shuhak that's what I believe and I guess I'm stuck with it. Why do you want to take any responsibility for what others did and continue to do? I don't get it I don't know if you have the patience to explain it again and if not I understand. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. We disagree but well so what right? We have before and we will again and we're still here talking! I think that is a VICTORY! Don't you?
      February 21, 2021 11:49 AM MST