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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Listing 179 countries' CORRUPTION INDEX Denmark is the least corrupt and Sudan the most. Where does your country fit on that list?

Listing 179 countries' CORRUPTION INDEX Denmark is the least corrupt and Sudan the most. Where does your country fit on that list?

Posted - February 20, 2021


  • I couldn't find the list that you're talking about.  The list for 2020 that I found has New Zealand and Denmark tied for first place and Syria in 178th place, which is last place.  My own country, Argentina, is tied for 78th place with Solomon Islands, Bahrain, China and Kuwait.

    Here is the list that I found:
      February 20, 2021 9:10 PM MST

  • 113301
    You must have if it covered 179 countries Sirena. I think I Googled "list of most corrupt countries" or something close to that and up came that list.  I assure your list has a list where number 1 is LEASE CORRUPT correct? I think the US was 25 on that list though I can't be certain of that. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday to thee and thine m'dear! :)
      February 21, 2021 7:08 AM MST

  • 16630
    Australia would have to rank pretty highly. Scotty from Marketing (our Prime Monster) always looks for somebody to blame rather than owning his mistakes, but it's always downplayed by the media because most of it is owned by Scotty's boss, Rupert Murdererdoch. He was clearly involved in the Sports Rorts affair up to his neck. Is he being made accountable for it? Hollow laugh!
      February 21, 2021 3:44 AM MST

  • 113301
    Could be R but as for me I think Australia and Canada and the U.K. are way better than the USA in the ranking. I scanned all of them but I don't actually recall where they stand. I also don't know how often the rankings change. Thank you for your reply and Happy still Sunday down under or is it Monday? :)
      February 21, 2021 7:02 AM MST