Some people have and have had the ability to foresee events of the future before those events occurred; how could that happen if those events have not actually occurred in time?.
Has it been recorded in time all events of the infinite past and future?
It depends on how precise you mean to be with the concept of “foreseeing” the future, because certain things have been predicted or guessed about with varying degrees of accuracy. Look at Leonardo da Vinci’s life works. He predicted numerous objects, contraptions, and machinery that didn‘t come into being until centuries later. That is a basic foundation for many other inventions: someone sees a better way to do something and envisions a way to make it happen, invents a device or a procedure for it, and history is made. The saying, “necessity is the mother of invention” aptly applies here.
Moving beyond inventions and their relationship the foreseeing the future, there is also the foretelling of events. Nostradamus’ writings have been interpreted to have outlined things such as Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War II, the Holocaust, and a slew of other things that came to fruition hundreds of years later.
While da Vinci and Nostradamus are my only named examples here, the are far from the only people, both well known and not, who have exhibited visionary talents that were accurately proven.