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Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » Back in the late 70s and through the 80s, it was said* that a “60 Minutes” camera crew and correspondent hounding you was cause for concern.

Back in the late 70s and through the 80s, it was said* that a “60 Minutes” camera crew and correspondent hounding you was cause for concern.

*Half jokingly, half seriously.

In your opinion, in the year 2021, does the CBS News television magazine “60 Minutes” still have the same relevance it once had (assuming, of course, it ever had any relevance at all)?

Posted - March 9, 2021


  • 19937
    I was not a 60 Minutes follower back then, but I do try to catch it now, especially if there's someone on that I like.  I do like the current hosts, especially Tom Dickerson, and I wish he was still the moderator on Face the Nation.  I really don't care for Margaret Brennan and I'm coming close to not watching it because I don't like the fact that she constantly interrupts her guests.  If you ask a question, give the person a chance to answer fully before you jump in.  To do otherwise is rude and that's why I stopped watching Meet the Press.  
      March 9, 2021 10:49 AM MST

  • 53691


      I concur 100% on interviewers in general who ask a question and then constantly interrupt people who are in the process of answering them! It drives me crazy. Another twist on that is when interviewers seemingly don’t know how to ask questions or more precisely, how to phrase questions: if they ask a question and then lurch into a soapbox speech on the topic prior to letting the interviewee respond, that’s not an interview. If they want to make speeches, they should go somewhere and make speeches. The proper way to do it is lay out the premise or the background first, then put the question at the end of it, then shut the heck up and give an opportunity for an answer.

      March 9, 2021 11:11 AM MST

  • 19937
    I agree with you there, too.  Brennan usually starts off with, "I wanna ask you ..."  That sounds so unprofessional.  I have noticed that she interrupts the Republican guests more often than the Democrat ones.  That's why I used to love Tom Russert on Meet the Press.  He was a stellar interviewer and rarely showed bias.  No one who came on as host after him, especially Chuck Todd, came anywhere close to him.  Chuckie is the worst.  The way he bounces up and down in his chair makes me want to slap him.  I do recall seeing George Stephanopoulos do an interview with someone and I was surprised at how well he did.  I've started watching ABC News now because I can't stand the evening and later anchors on the other channels.  
      March 9, 2021 11:32 AM MST

  • 2706
    Frankly speaking, and only for myself, 60 Minutes was never relevant to me. Nor is it now in 2021. :)
      March 10, 2021 10:34 PM MST