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Men...what is something you really don't like about being a man?


Posted - March 20, 2021


  • 13395
    Feeling like a perv whenever I get an erection at a nude beach;  " gotta go for a bit of swimming again".
      March 20, 2021 9:23 PM MDT

  • 44545
    Gotta keep that shrinkage.
      March 21, 2021 9:14 AM MDT

  • 16630
    Society's expectations mostly. I'm supposed to be the physically strong one (the back can't take it any more, my wife can lift heavier items than I can), and "big boys don't cry" (I get emotional).
      March 20, 2021 10:35 PM MDT

  • 53394

    Wow, what an intriguing topic of discussion.

    Some actions of other men throughout history have made it necessary and prudent for the average woman to be wary of men in general, whether those men be strangers to her or not. As such, I do not like the fact that there is tangible fearfulness of me that women have in situations that involve interactions which should be or could be non-threatening. I was reminded of this once when driving, as I stopped at a red light, I happened to glance at the driver to my left, she turned out to be the daughter of my wife’s coworker. She had met me several years earlier and we had seen each other maybe four or five times total, but it had been months since the last time. All she seemed to see from her car was a man in the car next to her trying to make eye contact, and she made an obvious and stringent effort to keep her eyes locked directly forward, not allowing even the slightest opportunity for a misunderstanding that she was calling attention to herself, not egging on the man. Actually, she seemed fearful of causing any indication that might lead me to think she had interest at all, nothing that would make a strange man think she was coming onto him or letting him come onto her. I reflected on how different it is being a man; I can glance at someone in that situation and glance away, it means nothing. It’s a freedom that men have yet women do not.

    I do not like the double standard and apparently hypocritical stance that even in the face of women’s outcry for equality, men are expected to pay for the vast majority of things, along the lines of dating, relationships, casual or otherwise. An extension of this is seen in times such as Saint Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, engagements, etc. Look at all the jewelry company ads during those times, they give an example of what I mean.

    I do not like the assumptions that in intimacy, men are supposed to be be all-knowing mind readers who should introspectively know exactly what each woman wants or likes or expects or needs in bed. This is especially exasperating in the face of the claims that men are less communicative than women, and that men do not or cannot  or should not talk with women about sexual needs.

    I don’t like the prospect that physiologically, there comes a point in extreme old age (70 and above) wherein erectile dysfunction becomes a completely irreversible and untreatable reality, resisting even the most advanced steps of medical science and corrective research. While it is true that other activities can replace or overcome the need for an erection itself or for ejaculation itself, it will certainly be sorely missed. I dread the possibility and the probability that the condition may one day befall me as it has many other men. Taking into consideration that women have their own sets of age-related difficulties that diminish what they can do or can enjoy sexually, I don’t dismiss the importance of any of it on the female physiological side, I only bring it up to acknowledge its importance being commiserate with men’s tribulations in the similar vein.

    DISCLAIMER: None of what I have written here covers every single man nor every single woman nor every single circumstance nor every single situation. I am not stating that any of the above falls under the “all” category, the “everyone” category, the “every time” category, etc. Instead, these are generalities.  Furthermore, I am not stating that each point I raised is something that has arisen in my personal experience and is something that has remained unresolved in my personal experiences. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I am definitely not seeking advice or tips or pointers or suggestions as to how to overcome these difficulties for me personally. I am merely answering the question at face value as it was posed.

      March 20, 2021 10:35 PM MDT

  • 44545
    Well written...and no mistakes. (I always read your long answers...just in case.)
      March 21, 2021 9:18 AM MDT

  • 53394

    Lol, thank you. 

    I had to proofread it several times, I corrected numerous errors before posting it, then I saw three more errors after I posted it, deleted that post, corrected the errors and posted it anew. I can’t let down my adoring public. Grrrrrrr. 


      March 21, 2021 11:11 AM MDT

  • 44545
    If you delete it and start over, use copy/paste and avoid all of that re-typing.
      March 21, 2021 12:49 PM MDT

  • 53394


      Who said I retyped it? I’m the veritable king of cut and paste. Besides, there’s no way I could have either retyped all of that verbiage nor remembered all of it verbatim.

      March 21, 2021 1:28 PM MDT