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Single people: you meet someone with whom you’re considering a serious relationship, the issue as to whether or not he/she has children

comes up. This is possibly in the very first conversation you have with the person, or it may be later on down the line. Is there a particular number of children, if any, he or she already has that would be a deal-breaker for you? The person’s children, if any, can either be minors, adults, or combinations of minors and adults. This question is only concerning the number of children, with the understanding that the overall decision to date someone includes many, many other factors. See poll choices below.

a. Yes, five or more children are too many, I would not move forward. 

b. No, even five or more children are fine with me, that would not be a deal-breaker.

c. Yes, four children are too many, I would not move forward.

d. No, four children are fine with me, that would not be a deal-breaker.

e. Yes, three children are too many, I would not move forward.

f. No, two children are fine with me, that would not be a deal-breaker.

g. Yes, two children are too many, I would not move forward.

h. No, one children is fine with me, that would not be a deal-breaker.

i. Yes, one child is too many, I would not move forward.

j.  No, one child is fine with me, that would not be a deal-breaker.

k. Yes, he/she not having any children is too few, I would not move forward.

l.  No, he/she not having any children already is fine with me, that would not be a deal-breaker.


Posted - March 21, 2021


  • 6098
    Hi Randy. Thank you!  Honestly I would say just average intelligence as most things I really don't understand much at all!  But have noticed many questions are worded in a way which makes me feel excluded from answering them. So if I am going to participate at all in this site with more than say one word answers I have to move on to, rather than answering certain questions, to questioning certain questions.  I understand very well what you meant be your question but my comment is rather a low view of anyone who would say OK I am going  to exclude anyone from my affections who had a certain number of children I don't feel comfortable with.  Which would be the same as telling them I am limiting the number of children I am allowing them.  For that is, in effect, what I would be doing.  How would anyone know how many children "they are comfortable with" if they have never had that many or been involved with anyone with that many?  And wouldn't kid's personalities enter into it as well?  This business of saying OK only so many children or I am gone would seem to be the height of arrogance.  And as I mentioned I know nothing about it nor have I ever heard anyone discuss that sort of thing in real life. I have heard people discuss particular children of loved ones but never heard anyone condemn or withdraw their affection from anyone because of the number of their children!
      March 23, 2021 7:45 PM MDT