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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The biggest threat to America is white racist domestic violent terrorist amurrican citizens! Which country is YOUR country's biggest threat?

The biggest threat to America is white racist domestic violent terrorist amurrican citizens! Which country is YOUR country's biggest threat?

Posted - March 25, 2021


  • 2706
    I disagree. I've said this before and I'll say it again. The biggest threat to the United States is tyranny. Most Democrats are unwilling to acknowledge the authoritarian machine the left is building. They want a one-party system where individual rights are subordinate to the rights of the state. Because Democrats have destroyed so many of our cities and states, they have become a major threat to America and the Constitution. That's a frightening reality.

      Let's not forget that the Dems also want to pack the courts. As well as slapping a four trillion-dollar tax increase on middle-class Americans, businesses, corporations (job killers), capital gains, dividends, and payroll taxes. Not to mention the fact that they want to end the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, end the Electoral College, and make Puerto Rico and DC states so they can pick up 4 more Democrat Senators.

      Oh yes, they also want to give amnesty and voting rights to 20-plus million immigrants to make a one-party state certain. And, to make ballot harvesting and mail-in ballots the law, destroying all faith in the electoral process.

      March 26, 2021 3:42 AM MDT

  • 16629
    It's not the Democrats who are trying to restrict voters' rights. Some of the crapola the GOP is trying to pull fairly stinks of Jim Crow.
      March 26, 2021 3:47 AM MDT

  • 113301
      March 26, 2021 4:11 AM MDT

  • 19938
    Blue states (Democratic), for the most part, are the ones sending more money to the feds than the Red states (Republican) which are. for the most part, the ones getting back more than they put in.  Give us back our fair share and our states will be in better shape.

    Trump packed the Supreme Court with three conservative judges (refusing to consider Merrick Garland for the nine months left in Obama's presidency) and other courts with countless conservative judges who, in many cases, were not appointed based on their legal abilities, but because they were Trump supporters.  

    The tax increases on individuals will be for those earning $400,000 or more.  These are not poor people and there is no reason why those making million/billions of dollars should be able to avail themselves of loopholes that the rest of us aren't able to use.  The people who gained the most under Trump's tax plan were the people and corporations that needed it the least.  No corporations the size of Amazon, Walmart, Apple, Facebook, Google, etc. should be allowed ANY tax breaks.  Under Trump's tax plan, the lowering of corporate taxes was supposed to allow them to continue to keep their employees.  Covid hit and employees got furloughed or fired and the money these corporations got from PPP went into buybacks of their stock, shareholder dividends and their general treasury.  Corporations are sitting on billions of dollars.  

    Democrats want to give immigrants who were brought here when they were minor children a pathway to citizenship.  No one is saying they should have voting rights until they ARE actual citizens which is every citizen's right.  What destroys faith in the electoral system are laws like the ones just passed in Georgia which are meant to keep as many voters as possible from voting.  
      March 26, 2021 9:28 AM MDT

  • 549
    The biggest threat we Brits face at the moment is our own government. Not only is the Johnson administration setting new standards in incompetence, dishonesty and cronyism, but they have a majority of 80 seats, our Opposition is toothless, and the government are preparing a new law that will curtail the right to public protest. I would tentatively say that the state of democracy in your country is starting to look healthier than ours.
      March 28, 2021 2:59 AM MDT