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New York Gov Cuomo: are his public apologies about sexual harassment sufficient to make you believe removal* from office is not necessary?

*Removal by any means other than merely finishing his term, such as either resignation or impeachment.

Posted - April 3, 2021


  • 19937
    I am of two minds when it comes to Gov. Cuomo.  He has been in office for a really long time and, for the most part, has been good for the state.  I was impressed at the way he handled the Covid crisis, albeit his decision about putting people in nursing homes was disastrous.  

    As for his current situation, let me say that for all these women to be coming out after all this time, it makes me suspicious of their intentions.  One of the women said she was traumatized because he asked her if she had a boyfriend or if she ever dated or wanted to date older men.  Seriously?  Maybe, as a senior, and because I've lived through the times when men were openly ogling women and I learned how to deflect without a big deal being made, I don't think those kinds of questions should "traumatize" someone.  Grow the heck up and just walk away from him.  That is not to say that there are too many men who think that anything goes when it comes to how they deal with women, but save the "trauma" for something that rises to the level that would actually cause it.  
      April 3, 2021 8:59 AM MDT

  • 53634

    Thank you. 

    As for the “do you have a boyfriend“ woman, weren’t there other instances that she also cited?

     I also wonder about the “convenient“ timing of some of these delayed allegations in general, not just against Cuomo.

      April 3, 2021 9:14 AM MDT

  • 19937
    There may have been other instances.  What I learned decades ago is that it a man you work with keeps after you in an unwanted manner, you do one of two things:  you make sure you are as far away from him  as possible or you look for another job.  

    I agree with you about the delayed timing in other cases as well.  
      April 3, 2021 10:22 AM MDT

  • 11479
    I'm old enough to remember when behavior like his was very common in the workplace. It happened to me many times and I am not traumatized. Some women would be flattered, some amused, some disgusted, but back in the day we didn't report it as harassment and if we did we would likely have been told that we must have been 'giving off signals' that we wanted the attention. I think Cuomo is probably a slow learner or didn't get feedback in real time and now that he is fully aware, he will behave differently. If not, then that would be the time to consider removing him.
      April 3, 2021 9:51 AM MDT

  • 19937
    We are from a different age in terms of what was "acceptable" in the workplace.  Unwanted advances were treated by walking away, not being in that person's company or finding new employment.  It was so much that such behavior was acceptable as that it happened all the time and we just learned to be adults and deal with it instead of crying to Human Resources.  
      April 3, 2021 10:25 AM MDT

  • 53634


      I believe that long after the first sexual harassment allegations came, his last-minute apologies are his “evidence“ of behaving differently, but they are accompanied by his staunch denials of wrongdoing, or more accurately, his staunch denials of any personal knowledge of wrongdoing at the time of certain incidents, and accompanied by his rigid refusal to step down. 

      At least one accuser reported the alleged conduct shortly after she claims it occurred, but I don’t think that all of them did. 


      April 3, 2021 1:23 PM MDT

  • 11479
    What I was trying to say was that several years ago the behavior was not considered to be wrongdoing by men, but rather just the way (some) men acted. Sometimes it worked for them. By feedback in real time, I didn't mean reporting it but rather having the woman tell him to his face that his comments or actions were not welcome.  So, I'm saying that Cuomo genuinely might not think it was wrong. Lots of men think that what they are doing is just flirting and don't understand that not all women think it is flattering. I could be wrong about him and he many be actually sexually harassing women, this is just my perspective.
      April 3, 2021 1:36 PM MDT

  • 53634


      I think you have it right that Cuomo may not have deemed some of his actions as being wrong. I hope I did not come across as either disagreeing with your points or contradicting them, neither one was my intent.
      There is one accuser who was never Cuomo’s co-worker nor subordinate, she is a homeowner who had flood damage at her residence, and Cuomo was there on an “inspection” tour/photo op.  She claims he was all over her, including comments she found inappropriate, unsolicited touching, and that he kissed her face. 

      April 3, 2021 1:45 PM MDT

  • 2706
     For me personally, in regards to politicians, a simple apology won't cut it. The old adage applies here: Actions speak louder than words. Many politicians are notorious for making promises that they know they won't keep. And don't keep.

    They are also notorious for making insincere apologies. As we have all witnessed down through the years. Is Governor Cuomo's apology sincere? I lean towards no on that. But, I guess we'll find out eventually. This is only my opinion of course. :)
      April 3, 2021 10:30 AM MDT