Include the color and any interesting facts about the vehicle.
Is fully paid for.
Runs well.
Has plenty of trunk space for transporting large quantities of tildes.
Gets good gas mileage on those long road trips to various Harem chapters.
Sleeps two in relative comfort when companion of the evening refuses to stick a crowbar in her purse and pay for the No-Tell Motel.
Can easily pass international inspections for when I need to go back and forth between the US and Canada to fight the divorce proceedings.
Is completely inconspicuous during Minnesota stalking fact-finding expeditions.
The Anti-Vegemite Detection Kit fits neatly on the roof.
The lettering on the plates does not create a grammar conflict.
As you can see, no particular make or model is named here for purposes of confidentiality and personal safety. Just let it be known that my only preference for color of cars is that of power: black.
I take umbrage, sir, UMBRAGE! I happen to be not only a high-class businessman with holdings in various locales, I have also been named a pillar of the community by more than one civic organization and the chamber of commerce, just prior to the mayor’s office granting me the key to the city and the county supervisors naming me citizen of the quarter. That vehicle is merely a symbol of the gratitude I’m shown for my dedication to humanity. Grrrrrrr.
“Give”? This guy is crazy, folks.
I hope you weren’t hurt!