Make her drink extra stiff, Cliff.
Poison the meat, Pete.
Use your wits, Bits.
Give her that last hug, Doug.
Say goodbye to your babe, Gabe.
Let loose of that man, Fran.
Go on without that girl, Pearl.
Try out a new filly, Willie.
Stop playing with that boy-toy, Joy.
Call the police, Charice.
Leave her at the altar, Walter.
Separate from that rat, Pat.
Plow with a good hoe, Joe.
That’s not the best you can do, Stu.
You need a new lay, Kay.
Tell her it’s over, Rover.
Wash him out of your hair, Claire.
You don‘t deserve this, Chris.
Give him a good paddlin’, Madelyn.
Drop that skank, Hank.
Divorce the bitter chick, Dick.
Get yourself some fresh squeeze, Louise.
Just let him leave, Eve.
Learn to sleep alone, Joan.
Don‘t answer his text, Rex.
Try your rolling pin, Sven.
Wrap up a new jimmie, Kimmie.
Hook up a fly boo, Lou.
He‘s just not into you, Sue.
Give out a quick handy, Mandy.
Kick her to the curb, Herb.
Trade in your old mate, Kate.
Throw his clothes on the lawn, John.
Show him the door, Flor.
Make him miss you, Miss Yu.
(Nothing rhymes well with “Ansley”. Grrrrrrr.)
Thank you!
It’s probably Freudian that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t come up with anything for “restraining order”, “court”, “judge” or “stalking”.
Er, um, about that last entry, would you happen to know her street address, please? (It’s not about me, I’m asking for a friend, cough, cough.)