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Hearing loss is on the rise, are you having trouble hearing?

I have been wearing hearing aids for many years; they help by increasing the volume of the sounds and decrease background noise and also make the spoken words come out sharper. Only problem for me is that I seem to be almost totally deaf to certain letters to identify spoken words eg you say 'look' and I might only hear the oo and not the l and k. So if a person speaks too many words in a sentence that I cannot identify then I am at a loss to establish what they are saying and that does happen a lot. But I still would not want to leave home without my aids.

Posted - June 4, 2021


  • 13277
      June 4, 2021 2:33 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Don't yell, just speak clearly!
      June 4, 2021 3:49 PM MDT

  • My hearing loss seems to be inherited, as my father and me started to having hearing issues when we were in our mid-50's.  I've been wearing a hearing aid for the past 15 years, and the hearing aid helps by increasing the volume.  
      June 4, 2021 4:50 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Hopefully your audiologist can help with that, if you've not already reported the problem, been retested, had an adjustment or whatever else they could do to help you. If things are as good as it gets for you, sorry to hear it. I try to speak clearly all the time, but I do talk fast sometimes, when I get excited and/or when I'm high especially. I have a friend who has significant hearing loss and relies on lip-reading quite a bit. I always try to be especially conscious when we're together. We've talked about it openly, because that's how I roll. I know that I'm not going to offend someone by asking them how I can help make them the most comfortable if they have a disability, functional impairment or even a social or cultural difference for that matter. It's respectful to ask, rather than yell at people or uncomfortably wonder if you're doing it right. That's what creates stigma, really. People feel uncomfortable, so they avoid people who are very different from "the norm". It's terrible and it's what contributes to the isolation that many people with disabilities feel. 

    Forgive my rambling on. I'm going to lobby Just Asking for a cannabis emoji here! 

      June 4, 2021 5:17 PM MDT

  • 17660
    It's on the rise because the number of old people is increasing.  I have a bit of high-pitch loss in one ear.  Other than that my hearing is great (yes, the famous doctor said that).  My problems are tinnitus and vertigo.  He made me go through a battery of six or seven tests, the final one being something I could not tolerate.  I removed the apparatus from my head screaming and left the room in tears.  Therefore there was no concrete conclusion about my two problems.  I know a true solution is not likely in any case and I live with tinnitus every day.  The vertigo is an infrequent misery.  I'm thankful it isn't a daily curse.
      June 4, 2021 5:46 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I can sympathize with the vertigo.  I have been taking medication for it for some time now.  It isn't all the time, but if I turn too quickly, it appears and I have to stand still until it settles.  
      June 5, 2021 8:18 AM MDT

  • 17660
    I sympathize.  Every time I turn around from the kitchen sink to get something out of a drawer I have to remember to wait a few seconds before twisting back around so I don't bring it on. 
      June 5, 2021 4:00 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Same here and also if I bend down to pick something up, I have to do it slowly or the room spins.
      June 5, 2021 9:35 PM MDT

  • 17660
    Bless our hearts! 
      June 6, 2021 2:50 PM MDT

  • 19937
      June 6, 2021 6:31 PM MDT

  • 44765
    Piltdown man. WHAT?
      June 4, 2021 8:24 PM MDT

  • 17078
    I'm not at all hard of hearing - but I can be a little difficult of listening.
      June 5, 2021 3:58 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I agree that hearing loss is on the rise, but one of the many contributors is the proliferation of earbuds being used.  Younger folks play music very loudly and that affects your hearing, especially when it's so directly into your ear.  Also, I live in a heavily populated city (NYC) where there's all sorts of ambient noise - buses, trucks, cars, trains, airplanes, people blasting car radios, etc.  I realized just how noisy it is after the peace and quiet of Covid.  Now that everyone is back out, the external noise is sometimes so bad that I have to close my windows so I can hear the TV.  I'm sure that some of my hearing has been lost merely due to age, but not to the extent that I feel it impacts my daily life.  
      June 5, 2021 8:22 AM MDT