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Lesson #1: Sex - WANTED... Lesson #2: Sexual ASSAULT - NOT wanted. Do right wingers KNOW the difference???

Posted - October 27, 2016


  • 17260
    Only when it comes to anyone else than their candidate for presidency. Special rule: appointing judges for SCOTUS!
      October 27, 2016 7:00 AM MDT

  • 34707
    Does Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton know this?
      October 27, 2016 7:33 AM MDT

  • 5354
    I have found no reason to think they dont. Have you?
      October 27, 2016 7:49 AM MDT

  • 34707
    Bill has been accused of rape several times going back to the 1970s in college....and Hillary was there and still is defending him. 
      October 27, 2016 7:52 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello my:

    Apparently, they DO..  If MATH counts, there's only ONE woman in the world who SAID Bill Clinton raped her, and that was years, and years ago. The rest screwed him WILLINGLY. Today, there's ELEVEN women saying that Donald Trump SEXUALLY ASSAULTED them..

    So, I gather from your answer that you DO know what sexual assault IS, you just think Bill Clinton is like Donald Trump..  Even IF it's true, Bill Clinton ISN'T running for anything, and Trump is.

      October 27, 2016 8:00 AM MDT

  • 34707
    No there are several women who claimed Bill Clinton raped them besides Jonita Broderick.  There was at least 3 in college. 
      October 27, 2016 8:07 AM MDT

  • 34707
    We have discussed this before. What Trump said was not assault because of the 5 words he uses to qualify his actions:
    The is one part of the quote that makes it not a felony or an assault.  (Yes it is still bigly deplorable)

    "I'm automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it.You can do anything," he said in the 2005 conversation. "Grab 'em by the p****."

    If they are letting you do it---it is not a felony assault. I am  not defending it---it is disgusting behavior.
      October 27, 2016 7:55 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello again, my:

    I haven't heard that particular argument before..  It's a GOOD one. 

    But, I'd counter by asking which came first, the grabbing or the letting??  Clearly, if he "doesn't even wait", the grabbing came first.  Because the thing he "DOESN'T wait" for, is PERMISSION. 

    That's sexual assault.  That some women don't complain about it afterwards changes NOTHING...

    excon This post was edited by excon at October 27, 2016 8:29 AM MDT
      October 27, 2016 8:08 AM MDT

  • 34707
    I actually mentioned this the last time you asked about this.

       You are assuming that what he is not waiting for is permission. He could mean not waiting for a date or dinner or some sort of a long deep connection.... This post was edited by my2cents at October 27, 2016 4:54 PM MDT
      October 27, 2016 4:53 PM MDT

  • 17260
    And that will be his words; "they let you do it..." But, and there is one BIG but, it isn't their words! We only know this much, he thinks it's okay to kiss and grab 'em by the p**** because he thinks of himself as a star.

    Such a star he is... Not!
      October 27, 2016 8:15 AM MDT

  • If a "hug and a kiss" is sexual assault...arrest me now and near every male in the world.  Trump is rich and famous and admitted he can use his fame to manipulate women and that in itself is no excuse for his smarmy behaviors, but here we have a woman...Jessica Drake the porn star who equally can use her fame as a porn star who f**** dudes for a living to manipulate men she is around including Mr Trump.  I smell a set up especially in the wake of her her own words she tells us...

    "He flirted with me and invited me to walk along the golf course with him, which I did,” Drake stated.  During that time, he asked me for my phone number, which I gave to him."

    So Trump flirts with this woman, she then goes along with Donald for a walk and even gives him her phone number.    She played along with Donald and if anything gave him the impression she was intested in him and why he later asked for her to come to his room.  BIG F****** DEAL! For her to come out of nowhere now and accuse Donald of sexual assault is a farce and anyone who buys into this BS is IMHO a complete idiot. This post was edited by my2cents at October 27, 2016 7:14 PM MDT
      October 27, 2016 8:25 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello C:

    I didn't believe the 1st woman who said Bill Cosby raped her..  I didn't believe the second, or the third, or even the fourth..  After that, I STARTED to believe 'em.

    This porn star is the ELEVENTH..


    PS>  I don't disagree with you either..  I've touched many a girls p**** WITHOUT coming out and actually ASKING her if I could. I don't even know how that would come about..  I'm kissing her, I'm touching her EVERYWHERE, but BEFORE I touch her p****, I gotta ASK???

    In any case, that ISN'T the position Trump was in..  By his own words, he didn't even wait, and the thing he didn't wait for was PERMISSION..  That's sexual assault.
      October 27, 2016 8:41 AM MDT

  • Hey biggest problem with these accusers is there is only 11.  Trump has probably hugged and kissed thousands of women and if these hugs and kisses are to be deemed "sexual assault" then there should be busloads of women lining up to accuse Mr. Trump of sexual assault.  If his hug and kiss was deemed unwanted and assault by Ms. Drake she has 2 other women that were with her at the time who were also hugged and kissed and I am sure would corraborate her slapping Donald and telling him she is not that kind of woman and to never touch her that way again.   So don't try and con me that she was so offended then by his hug and kiss that she then goes for a cozy walk on the golf course with him and even gives him her phone number.   Seriously...this is nothing more than a page out of the Democratic lie about anything to sink your opponent playbook.   To quote Harried Reid continuing to defend a statement that is not true, Reid responded, "Romney didn't win, did he?"
      October 27, 2016 9:02 AM MDT

  • 691
    Mr Excon I did not believe the first video of stuff ballot boxes or republican votes thrown out or the first report of electronic machines changing trump votes to hillary.  Or the second.  Now there are dozens. Do you believe those?
      October 27, 2016 9:08 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello Mr IT:

    Link me to where you're reading this stuff, and I'll report back..

      October 27, 2016 9:35 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Although the fact that a woman chooses to be in adult films (many women do not choose that of their own free will, btw) does NOT mean that she's giving any and every man permission to assault her, let's leave Ms. Drake out of the equation. Let's focus on Salma Hayek for the moment.

    Man asks woman out, even though he knows she is in a relationship (of course that happens every day, most people of both genders don't really believe in monogamy). Woman says no. Man continues to pursue woman after she says no. At this point, what the man is doing is harassment. It doesn't matter if the man is rich and powerful... no means no. No does NOT mean plant false stories in tabloids and then use that to continue to harass the woman.

    If you or any other man goes around hugging and kissing women without their consent, that is indeed a form of assault and you should be arrested. Why would you think otherwise?

      October 27, 2016 8:59 AM MDT

  • Hello Savvy,  I am sorry but Salma's story is another example of the Dems grabbing for straws anywhere they can find em.  Trump asked her out for a date despite her being in a relationship and even you say that happens a lot.  BIG DEAL!  Salma is actively out on the trail campaigning for Clinton so this should be no surprise she or anyone who is opposed to Trump to try and make this into more than it is.  You are now participating in these political charades by characterising a man who merely asks a woman out for a date as harrassment.
      October 27, 2016 9:13 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Why would they need to grab at straws?

    The point is that he asked, she said no, and he wouldn't leave it at that. He used his money and influence to get her private number and continued to harass her, then planted a story in the tabloids saying that HE wouldn't date HER because she was too short!! Then, he called her again, after she'd said "leave me alone" and tried to use the tabloid story that HE PLANTED to persuade her to go out with him.

    Politics aside, Donald Trump is a monster of a human being. Thankfully, there are enough Republicans who realize that he is not fit for public office.
      October 27, 2016 8:37 PM MDT

  • 691
    Taking a woman furniture shopping is harassment? It is certainly not sexual harassment.
    I know enough of dating to know that it is normal for a woman to say no to a date but say yes at a later time. No does not mean you are committing a crime by ever asking again. That is not a cultural norm that I have seen anywhere. I have in fact seen women boast about how a man won them over despite several initial rejections.
      October 27, 2016 9:15 AM MDT

  • 691
    Hillary taught me that if a 12 year old gets raped you just say she's crazy and she wanted it.
      October 27, 2016 9:23 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Interesting that you bring that up, considering that Trump is currently being sued by a woman who says that she is one of the children who Trump paid his friend and convicted sex offender, Jeffry Epstein, for sex.

    You might want to investigate the facts of that case, which HRC actually wrote about in one of her books, never tried to hide it from anyone. The mother of the victim actually asked requested that the defendant (who Hillary was forced to represent) be offered a plea bargain so that her daughter wouldn't have to testify in court.

    This woman is no doubt glad that people are guaranteed the right to an attorney, given that she has also been a criminal defendant. I'm sure that there are people who think that thieves who steal from their employers to buy drugs shouldn't have the right to a court appointed defense either, but as with the sex offender Hillary was forced to represent, they are.
      October 27, 2016 9:11 PM MDT

  • 691
    She was not forced.  She did it is a favor to the prosecutor. Those were her own words.
    She was also not forced to blame the victim. There is no requirement that a lawyer take that path. There is no grounds to appeal because a lawyer did not take that path. You can defend the accused without claiming the 12 year old wanted to be raped. Hillary chose to do such.
    The accusation against trump is from someone who may not even exist. There are more credible accusations of same against Clinton.
      October 28, 2016 8:01 AM MDT

  • 10052
    Not true, but it's irrelevant, isn't it?

    I suggest you consult, unless that's suddenly part of the "liberal left media", too. According to that site, what you're claiming is false.

    Which one of the dozens of accusations against Trump are you referring to??
    There are zero accusations of sexual assault against HILLARY Clinton. Having terrible taste in men shouldn't disqualify her as a candidate.

    I  love how so many members of the "conservative right" have entirely abandoned their "good Christian family values" with their support of this hedonistic monster. Shows precisely what their own real values are, doesn't it?  
      October 29, 2016 12:25 AM MDT

  • 691
    I have read the snopes and I yes I did find that article to be very biased.
    They had a picture forwarded online with various accusations that are all true and yet the found it false.  Her own words from the 1980s (which are not mentioned) are that she took the case as a favor.  She did attempt to discredit the victim in court in the way described by saying the mentally unstable victim sought it out or made it up because she liked to fantasize about older men. She did know the rapist was guilty and that is obvious from the 1980s tape as well. She did laugh about it.
    Now perhaps snopes is correct and hillary did not know of the guilt and she was forced to take the case and the only reason she was laughing is because she was lying through the entire interview and hillary thinks lying is very funny.
      October 29, 2016 7:51 AM MDT