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Allegedly Q hasn't posted diddly since Decembert 8, 2020. Is Q dead?

Posted - June 15, 2021


  • 10955
    No Q is not dead the reason you have not heard from him is because he has been prety busy eating buckets of KFC and crashing memorial services. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at June 16, 2021 3:17 AM MDT
      June 15, 2021 11:25 AM MDT

  • 10558
    ....and was kicked off most  social media sites.
      June 15, 2021 1:38 PM MDT

  • 113301
      June 16, 2021 3:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Hahahahahahahahahaha! Seriously Nanoose? Q is Don Guano? My goodness but he has been a very busy bee hasn't he? Add that to his awesome list of "accomplishment"! Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 16, 2021 3:18 AM MDT

  • 44544
    No...he found another acting job after Star Trek TNG finished their last season.

      June 15, 2021 5:17 PM MDT

  • 113301
    That was a Q. Didn't James Bond have one too? Thank you for your reply! :)
      June 16, 2021 3:19 AM MDT

  • 2706
    I took an interest in Qanon. I researched and studied Qanon. I've discussed Qanon with others. Through it all, I have always been skeptical about them. Frankly, does it really matter if Qanon hasn't posted diddly since December 8, 2020? I don't worry about Qanon nor do I care what they say about anything. Is Qanon dead? As long as people continue to talk about them/it and as long as people give credence to them on any level, then no, they/it are not dead.

      June 15, 2021 8:43 PM MDT

  • 16628
    Q is a hydra. Popped up in squillions of sockpuppet accounts on social media sites, which is why it's so hard to stifle him/her. It's far too easy to be anonymous on the web.
      June 16, 2021 3:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    SQUILLIONS? I LOVE IT! I did not know that R. The only social media site I frequent is this one and I stay in my own little place. I never venture out so I have no clue what exists outside of here. Oh. I looked up "squillions" just in case and you're the owner/inventer of it! It sure works for me. I wonder. Do we dare quanfy these humongous numbers? Bazillion. Cazillion? Squllion? All I know is it's a LOT! Gives us elbow room. We're not limited to that which others settle for. Much more fun that way! Thank you for your reply R.
      June 18, 2021 3:44 AM MDT