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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Putin and bat guano smirk a lot all the time. They are snarky smikers. Could they be related? Brothers from other mothers?

Putin and bat guano smirk a lot all the time. They are snarky smikers. Could they be related? Brothers from other mothers?

Are you a fan of snarky smirkers? Or an un?

Posted - June 16, 2021


  • 10955
    The most disgusting  smirk I saw on Putin was when he had  a meeting with Trump  - the press asked Trump  if he was going to tell Putin not to interfere in the election Trump smirked and told Putin not to interfere in the election and Putin smirked and said OK. Cheers!
      June 16, 2021 9:25 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Ah yes m'dear! I remember that well. It was insufferable! Glad am I that we will not see those two on a stage again. I hope! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      June 16, 2021 9:46 AM MDT