Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » As if it weren't bad enough that the jacka**es are doing nothing about it. They are telling us it never happened. WHAT?

As if it weren't bad enough that the jacka**es are doing nothing about it. They are telling us it never happened. WHAT?

There is a conspiracy collusion among the US red dipsticks to whitewash the January 6, 2021 INSURRECTION attempt. They are in concert about it. "It never happened". "It happened but it was an FBI false flag." "It happened but it was antifa and Black Lives Matter folks".

Take your pick. That's their SCHTICK. The dumbsh**ts who believe it are vast in number. Also half-vast. We are not so they cannot convince us.

Yet they mewl and prate and prance and prig there way through every day following the same script.

It never happened.
If it did it was NOT Don Guano supporters who done did it.


Posted - June 19, 2021


  • 33882
    What 5 people???

    Only ONE person was killed on Jan 6th.  She was an unarmed protester/tresspasser. 
      June 22, 2021 7:58 PM MDT

  • 10985
    A police officer was beaten and later died a rioter was fatally shot and three others died during the rampage. Cheers!
      June 22, 2021 8:11 PM MDT

  • 33882
    Police officer was not beaten and did not die from any beating. That was fake news.
    Others had medical issues...
    Babbit was the only one who died that day from violence. 
      June 23, 2021 4:31 AM MDT

  • 16647
    He WAS assaulted along with over 100 other officers, and the coroner specifically did NOT rule out the possibility that the chemical irritants he was sprayed with did not contribute significantly to his death, only that there was no reasonable chance of conviction on those grounds. Is not assaulting an officer of the peace a criminal act?
      June 25, 2021 2:44 AM MDT

  • 33882
    Where have I said any attack on police is not a crime?  I am not the PA....in DC or anywhere else.  All of the rioters from Jan 6 and all from summer of 2020 should be glad I am not the PA. 

    Coroner ruled it NATURAL CAUSES.  
      June 25, 2021 6:17 AM MDT

  • 16647
    Ashli Babbitt was shot after ignoring several orders to stop from Capitol Police. A classic case of resisting. No less armed than was Trayvon Martin or Breonna Taylor, is your beef because she was white?
    Officer Brian Sicknick was attacked and beaten by the rioters. He arrived at hospital in a critical condition and did not recover.
    QAnon devotee Roseanne Boyland was crushed to death by her fellow rioters.
    Trump supporters Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Philips suffered a heart attack and a stroke respectively, Greeson was known to have high blood pressure and was repeatedly urged not to attend by his family. Both thromboses are believed to have been induced by the excitement and tension inspired by the riot. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at June 25, 2021 12:15 AM MDT
      June 22, 2021 10:39 PM MDT

  • 33882
    I am not saying the officer was in the wrong for shooting her...she was trying to go through door.  (We know this from the Antifa member who filmed it...who was not there according to the FBI)

    Sicknick was NOT beaten and did not die from any beating. The autopsy said Natural Causes. Not blunt force trauma etc. 

    People had previous medical issues and those issues acted up.  Not because of the protest/tresspassing. 

    Why do the police refer to Boyland death as a "medical emergency"?

    The ONLY person killed purposely on Jan 6 was Babbit. (Which was justified...you do not resist the police....it never ends well) This post was edited by my2cents at June 23, 2021 4:24 AM MDT
      June 23, 2021 4:22 AM MDT

  • 10985
    Is Sicknick the guys real name or is it a name giving to him to down play his death? Cheers!
      June 23, 2021 6:06 PM MDT

  • 33882
    That is his real name. 
      June 23, 2021 7:30 PM MDT

  • 33882
      June 23, 2021 7:57 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Well, I'm sure Greeson and Philips were Trump-approved Christians, so they're dancing on streets of gold now. 

    Extremist Christians (that's how I think of them) don't even notice that they've switched gears in order to further their real causes. Instead of saying they support Trump (not supported, they still do... I've seen at least a dozen Trump 2024 signs on recent travels!) because he supports their Christian values, they say it's America First, border protection, etc. 

    Zero self awareness, too. It boggles the mind! 

      June 25, 2021 12:26 AM MDT

  • 16647
    Trumpicanism is the very antithesis of Christianity. Compassion for the poor and downtrodden was Yeshua's message and the crux of His public ministry. He had no time for the rich and powerful, and little patience with sanctimonious hypocrites.
    I'm beginning to subscribe to the theory that His Royal Orangeness may be the Beast. Trump 2024 signs are his Mark, and being the Antichrist explains why he's still not in jail, and why his shocking diet and chronic indolence haven't killed him yet. This post was edited by Slartibartfast at June 25, 2021 5:42 PM MDT
      June 25, 2021 2:48 AM MDT

  • 33882
    Nonsense.  Trump nor any other leader of a country can be the Beast. As the Bible says specifically he will not be a leader but be given power from the Beast (one world gov) 

    So no leader or former leader will be the AntiChrist.  

    The mark will prevent people from buying or selling. The vaccine passports come closer to the mark than any campaign slogan. 

    This post was edited by my2cents at June 28, 2021 10:17 AM MDT
      June 25, 2021 5:26 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I had never felt more alienated from Christianity, personally. And I once was among those who really believed that everyone really should be a Christian or they're going to hell! 

    For a liberal believer already having a crisis of faith, Trump aligning himself with Christianity, talking about "eating the little cracker and drinking the little wine", boldly stating that he'd never once asked for forgiveness for anything he's done because he basically makes no mistakes and has no regrets (or something similar) during an interview about his "Christian faith", mispronouncing and misquoting from the bible. Seeing people who describe themselves as Christians, seeing people who I know very well personally to have behaved and spoke as you would hope a Christian would - kind, generous, pleasant, helpful people - to see them align themselves with him in the name of "that's what Jesus wants us to do" - it was the last straw for me, personally. Through this journey called life, there is magic of some sort going on. Call it God, Creator, Spirit, Karma, Fate, Destiny- I don't know and I don't think it matters. But that much I do believe. And if there are good forces at work, it stands to reason that there are dark ones as well. Trump is decidedly a dark force. 

    It's quite something, how the focus has shifted from "It's mostly because he promotes our socially conservative important issues like restricting abortion (because God disapproves of killing babies) and other religiously linked issues like LGBTQ rights limits - those kind of conservative Christian values." It's so obvious how he drew them in. I'll never understand how so many people fell for it. People I know. People who I love. People who don't see that his entire agenda is evil and wrong and so selfish. It's now America First, not Christ first, as it's supposed to always be. Like, "I have to love God before my spouse or child or dog or self or beer or weed or any other thing," right? And now they claim to not be proselytizing (for Jesus, at least - I guess that's what she meant by that response)...Even though proselytizing for Trump and "his policies" - which are what they are - nothing Christian-like at all, and dark, destructive and inhumane. It sure does make you wonder! It also makes me hope and pray that the genuinely good people I know who have supported Trump and his policies will come around and realize how un-Christlike it all is. I believe that some will, I really do. Some already have and do! I know people who have always voted Republican their entire lives (older people!) who said NEVER TRUMP. Come to think of it, I believe they're all Christians... every single one. Things that make you go hmmmm, indeed! 

      June 25, 2021 7:17 PM MDT

  • 6098
    President Trump, not a Christian himself, nonetheless was willing to take out part and defend us and our faith in God and Christ. And, for that, he will always be a hero to many of us.  Because he acted heroically for us. 
      June 25, 2021 8:57 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Did you say "not a Christian himself"? WOW! That's huge news, because without any genuine Christians supporting him (see detailed description in response to m2c), he has no chance. Or are you unaware that your hero fully claimed to be a Christian as a ploy to win? 

    I feel like I've really missed something significant here. 

    Actual followers of Christ put his most important teachings about LOVE, KINDNESS, COMPASSION in the forefront of everything they do. They're not consumed with the things that aren't for them to judge, they're certainly not consumed by personal greed, nor inhumane social services, and most especially not AMERICA first. He wasn't even from here, ya know. Why would he care about AMERICA more than any other place on earth? 

    I'm pretty sure even the Marines say "God, Country, Core..." I forget the whole thing. Something's not right with what you lot are saying. I see you. 

    I really hope you can think of some kind of response! I can't wait! 
      June 25, 2021 9:40 PM MDT

  • 33882
    Yes still support Trump.  2024...here we come.  

    That is not Christian extremism.  Trump is not a religious leader. But yes, we still support the policies that made us support Trump to start with.   
      June 25, 2021 5:30 AM MDT

  • 10052
    WTF just happened? Wow. 
      June 25, 2021 7:25 PM MDT

  • 33882
    I replied to your post above with the number. 3 next to it. 
      June 25, 2021 7:43 PM MDT

  • 10052
    "I am not here to evangelize...most here are not interested in talking about religion. 

    I make no apologies for being Christian or right wing. And I will continue to defend my views. (without attacking others) Part of why I do it is to show other conservatives that it can be done without returning the  personal attacks."

    I used the word proselytize, not evangelize; my mistake, but yours reveals you and my point even better, really. 

    Are you actually trying to saying that you've never used the bible and your religion as defense of your political views? That your religious beliefs help to shape your political ones?  Take a deep breath and read that again and think about it. For once can you see the ridiculous contradiction? 

    The genuine Christians I know all have one thing in common. They have a genuine LOVE (there really is no better word than that) that, for them, is a relationship with Christ. And that love touches everything they do and think. They never go to anyone else and evangelize or preach. They speak and behave in a way that makes people who get to know them come to THEM and say "What's up with you and your goodness and kindness and joy? How can I get me some of that?" And so these people of true faith respond, "if you really want to know, I'll pick you up at 9:45 Sunday morning and show you where you might find it."  And the same goes for other good and kind and joyful people of other faiths, if they embrace one in particular.

    There really is no trace of any of that in Trump or his worshipers, is there? And he's taken that innate goodness that was in many of his followers before he appeared, and he's sullied and tarnished it. He's manipulated people who may have been slowly evolving socially, becoming more aware of the greedy and systemically racist issues that were ultimately designed to increase the wealth gap and keep the lower classes lower. It goes back to slavery. Are you a slavery-denier? I've heard they exist. It's what defund the police is actually supposed to be about.  (trigger word warning, I know please try to keep reading!)Nothing changes if nothing changes. Something must be done to stop the generational continuance of the worst of societies problems that almost always lead to addiction and crime and public assistance that does encourage this generational problem continue to be generational and with minimum wage what it is in most areas and these folks not having many skills (because they're in the midst of generational systemic racism and classism), the way social service systems are set up, there is little or no motivation to stop the cycle. The social programs are vastly inept, the workers underpaid and overworked; verbally and emotionally and sometimes even physically abused on the job regularly. 
    But you don't care about that, because your Christianity suddenly says that the most important thing is unborn humans, not already existing ones who have innocently been born and done NOTHING wrong. They're on their own and it doesn't matter because they're poor and OTW (other than white). - Not that the white poor fare much better, but they have more options - because of systemic racism. 

    **Side note** - I'm fully aware that this isn't going to register with M2C. But it's worth typing for others, perhaps. 

    I see you. In the end, I still believe in the power of good.  

      June 25, 2021 9:23 PM MDT

  • 33882
    Again Trump is NOT a religious figure. He is a politican. He supports my position on policies.  Why can't people on the left separate Trump from religion?   He is not a pastor/preacher/or church leader....

    I have been against abortion 100% for over 20 yrs. Nothing sudden about it.  Just because I am against abortion in no way says that I do not care about living children. Such a stereotypical criticism of pro-life supporters. I believe should have a safety net for those who need it...I do also believe in a work requirement.  

    Yes, of course the Bible helps shape some of my political positions.  As I said, I make no apologizes for either one. 
    Why drag race into it?  Poor people come in every race and color.  I believe we are to help the poor. And it is a shame that gov has to help.  The people and the Church should be doing it.  Again...race has nothing to do with it. Poor is poor.  
      June 25, 2021 9:57 PM MDT

  • 10052
    Trump used his proclaimed Christianity (eat the little cracker, drink the little wine on the big holidays, threw around Norman Vincent Peale's name and his connection to him via the church.
    Thanks to you, I now can see it 100%. 

    The way you just ignore the entire point of my post is and interesting tactic. I'm sure I'm not the only person who notices that happens all the time. It's why I'm going to stop this pointless exchange. It's exactly as it's been described, illogical to debate the illogical. 

    What is "the Church", exactly? Like, you've said that you don't go to a church. What does "the Church" mean? Any religious organization or any kind? You know, that is what many on the left advocate for. Proper taxation on 'the Church'. And those taxes could help support social programs that these "people" and "the Church" just don't seem to be able to do. Or do you mean "people who actually give a ___" should do it all on their own. Too bad if they can't. It's their problem for giving a ___ about someone other than themselves and those who matter to them.
    Way better to just LOL! Stop the insanity! Just LOL!! 
    I feel like this was a test!! :)
      June 25, 2021 10:24 PM MDT

  • 91
    I knew you'd come around to my way of thinking!
      June 26, 2021 1:52 AM MDT

  • 10052
    You're the one who kept bringing it up and trying to lead me to it! 

    Some kind of British Jiminy Cricket or Yoda or something, you are, ffs. 
      June 26, 2021 8:59 AM MDT

  • 91
    hhhhm, yes am I!
      June 26, 2021 9:02 AM MDT