Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Allegedly the United States is a GREAT POWER. China too? RUSSIA? ENGLAND? CANADA? AUSTRALIA? WHAT ARE THE INGREDIENTS OF A GREAT POWER?
IMO, A "great power" has the ability to greatly influence global policies - either economically or militarily. Japan held great economic power in the 1970's - even though they had no military power to speak of. Conversely, Russia held great military power - even though they had no economic power to speak of.
Okay Walt. As of now today in your opinion what are the TOP FIVE that fit your description? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! :)
Thanks to Trump the US may not be a super power anymore because Trump allowed the Russians to hack into US computers including the military ones. Cheers!
We are on the same page with regard to this issue Nanoose. I think with Don Guantanamo everything we held dear was lost and it is still going on bigly. We will never recover from the extent of his evil and his enticed millions to follow him. I see no way out. Thank you for your reply! :)