Why do you need to take one every time the doctor gives us the good news? You become too nervous, almost distraught and disoriented, while we await the results. I'm suspecting something now, Sapph.
Wait, what's going in here, what did you mean by asking me that? You're hiding something, I can tell. Should I be worried? Have you booked me for a surprise appearance with Maury?
April 2015 STEP 1
STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 June 2015 STEP 6
September 2015 STEP 7 Jan 2016 STEP 8 August 2016 STEP 9
STEP 10 October 2016 STEP 11 STEP 12
November 2016 FINAL STEP "Hello, is this the Maury Povich Show?"
Now would be a really good time telling what happened back in April 2015... Hmm... Well?
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 12, 2016 1:33 PM MST
That's what I've been trying to tell you! Little Safinita was born in January of 2016, which means she was conceived in April of 2015, long before we knew each other! So you can drag me onto Maury's stage, but I ain't the one! Besides, there's the matter of a vasectomy that I had done years ago . . . ~
Really? Then who are Little Safinita's parents, and wait a minute, now that I think of it, why was she left here with me in the first place? Wait, where are you going? Why are you leaving? Take the baby with you, please. Come back, come back and get her! I don't know how to take care of a little baby girl! I'm no good at this stuff. You have to take her for me! I can't change her diapers or give her a bath, or anything else, don't even know how to! Wait! I don't even know what she needs. Why are you ignoring me, why are you just walking away? I can't do this, really I can't. Hello? HELLO?