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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I speak only for myself on this issue. No one else. I've been thinking about this religion thing and I have an analogy to cover it. Mebbe?

I speak only for myself on this issue. No one else. I've been thinking about this religion thing and I have an analogy to cover it. Mebbe?

Some folks have no financial cushion to fall back on and draw from when needed. They live from paycheck to paycheck and if there is a huge expense they go under or have to borrow it and get further in debt.

Those who have a cushion that is always there and knowing that comforts them. It is there to draw on when needed. IF needed. AS needed.

So here's my take. Believing in a Supreme Being is my cushion. I fall back upon it when I need something more than myself. I don't use it up. I use it very carefully. Mostly I try to handle things on my own with what I have easily available. But JUST IN CASE I can't handle it I know there is that cushion always there to give me peace of mind.

Now some of you or maybe all of you think that is useless specious inapplicable. So be it. That is precisely exactly how I feel. It's nice to have peace of mind. Could I have it without my cushion? I don't know since ever since I can remember that cushion has always been there. OK. That's it. I tried my best.

Posted - July 2, 2021


  • 10568

    It’s comforting to have someone who’s there for you.

    There are times in everyone’s life when the when the walls of their world come crashing in - a good friend or their spouse hurts or abandons them; when they have is pain and suffering ; when they face the death of a loved one; when everything they have is taken from them in a disaster; when all hope is lost.  When these kinds of things happen, people want someone or something to lean on, to help them get through.  Someone who they can talk or cry to.  Someone who is sympathetic, someone who will stay with them no matter how bad things get - even when everyone else deserts them.  Someone to help them rebuild their walls.  Some try to lean on a friend or spouse.  Some hope for the kindness of strangers, others turn to alcohol or drugs.  Unfortunately, these things don’t always work.  Friends may care, but they have their own problems to deal with.  Some don’t have a spouse or their spouse is the problem.  Strangers aren’t always there, and many don’t even care.  Alcohol and drugs can briefly mask the pain, but will only make it worse in the long run.  Therapists are expensive and are only there for an hour session. 

    There is One, however, who is always there for a person.  One who will never leave or desert them.  One who will always stick by their side in good times or bad (24/7).  One who can relate to all problems as they’ve been there.  One who can help rebuild those walls.  One who will ease their troubled mind.  That person is Jesus.  Sadly, many refuse His help.  They dismiss Him, saying He’s not real or laugh at Him.  Some only want His help to get them out of their plight, but once things are good again, they’ll quickly abandon Him.  But those who do lean on Him and trust Him find a faithful friend – one unlike any other.  When things go sour or the walls of their life collapse, they can know He will always help them through.  He will guide and comfort them.  This is not to say He will suddenly make things better, rather that He will be there to help one through.  And that person will find that even though they had to suffer, they came out stronger afterward.

      July 2, 2021 12:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I have never been without that "ACE in the hole" as it were so I don't know any different. I don't take any credit for it. It just is and has always been and I don't know anything else. As you know I talk to HIM every day and can't remember a day when I didn't. It comforts me and hurts no one. Some kids make up imaginary friends. I never did. Never had the need to do that. And I believe that those folks who say there is nothing else must have a need to believe that. This is all there is as far as they are concerned. Thinking there is more or a great beyond is unthinkable to them. Thing is HOW DO THEY KNOW FOR SURE? They don't. NO ONE DOES. One day hopefully all will be revealed. All questions answered. All loose strings tied together. Until then how can it possibly hurt the world for some of us to have the hope of something else? I don't get why people get their shorts in a knot either way. Do you? I don't feel superior to atheists and I don't put them down. But I get a very strong feeling that they look down upon us for our beliefs. Whatever they need to do they do. Anyway thank you for your reply Shuhak. It works for us. Why would anyone be upset about that? I can't figger it out! This post was edited by RosieG at July 3, 2021 11:51 AM MDT
      July 3, 2021 3:50 AM MDT