Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Scientists think they may have found evidence of life on Enceladus...a Saturn Moon. Methane and a salty sea beneath the clouds. Stay tuned?

Scientists think they may have found evidence of life on Enceladus...a Saturn Moon. Methane and a salty sea beneath the clouds. Stay tuned?

Posted - July 8, 2021


  • 13395
    An exploratory venture to Enceladus would take about 15 years to complete but it is on the NASA to do list when the mission gets approval.
      July 9, 2021 3:12 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Isn't that amazing Kg? The life would be microbes I believe but still life is life. I think it's more likely that in all those other places "up there" life would be present in some of them. In some form. Do microbes "think"? Thank you for your reply! :)
      July 9, 2021 3:15 AM MDT