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Allegedly ONE BILLION sea creatures have been "cooked to death" in Canadian Waters. Gonna get a lot worse ya think?

130 in Dealth Valley, California yesterday allegedly.

How high a high eventually? Can we live through it?

Posted - July 10, 2021


  • 10568
    This heat is BAD!!  It was 106 here yesterday, breaking the old record of 103.  It's 102 (11 am) - already breaking the old record  - on its way to around 109-111.  Tomorrow it may get up to 113-115!!  The average temperature for this time of year here is only 89.4.  The nights aren't cooling down either (still 80 @ midnight).  This is drop-dead-on the-street weather.
      July 10, 2021 12:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I know m'dear. Plus you now have fires raging "up north" nearer you than us down south. Did I tell you about a scifi movie or maybe it was an episode of Twilight Zone I saw decades ago> The sun gets nearer and nearer the earth each day and people are dropping dead because of it. I think the fade out frame has the sun blocking the view....FADE TO BLACK. Only it isn't the sun getting closer to the earth that's doing it is it? Death Valley registered 130 a couple of days ago. We've gotten up to about 107 in the last few days...averaging about 103 which is "relatively" ncooler than other places. Someplace in Canada a week or so ago got up to 121! Is there a top beyond which we will not go or is "the sky the limit" whatever the heck that means? I know your water usage is an minimal as you can control. You are very good at economizing where you can. Jim and I are trying to figure out where we can cut by 15%. We have one lemon tree in back and about 6 rose bushes in front and no lawn at all...just green dyed concrete or pebbles. We drinnk bottled water and I cook with it but I think at some point that might go away or they'll raise the rates or something. Maybe alternate showers with sponge baths? Does washing dishes by hand cost less water than using the dishwasher? I cook a lot all the time so we use the dishwasher every day. Maybe I should just start making salads or sandwiches to save on getting things dirty that need washing. Paper plates we use from time to time. Is that better ecologically or just kill more trees? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. I fear the worst is yet to come. in what form I don't know. What do you think will come next? :)
      July 11, 2021 4:30 AM MDT

  • 10568
    Just a bit of trivia - Around teh end of June, we were at the farthest point from the sun for the year (we'll be closest to it around Christmas).

    It usually does take more water to wash dishes by hand, as modern dishwashers are designed to be water efficient.
    Right Now I can't cook (even in the microwave), because if I do, it'll heat the house up.  With temperatures over 100 until after 6, 90's until after 9 adn 80's well after midnight I'm not able to cool the house off (teh cats melt).  Its 81 in here to start the day.  Fans only pull down heat from the attic, making it hotter in here.  I may have to go to my sisters today to stay cool, unfortunately the cats can't come.

    Paper plates are not eco-friendly.   Some paper plates are coated with a plastic film (definitely not eco-friendly).  Some are made out of recycled materials, however once you use any paper plate, it must be disposed of.  That means it'll simply sit in a landfill somewhere for hundreds of years.
      July 11, 2021 10:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I did not even turn a burner on today. What we ate only required my effort. Tuna salad. Raw veggies. Nothing requiring any heat whatsoever! Jim is on board with whatever I choose to do. He is a pleasure to spend my life with. He NEVER QUESTIONS my decisions. Always supports them. Every once in awhile we disagree but it is always friendly never caustic. Am I a lucky gal? Darn right! Thank you for the info m'dear. I just checked out our paper plates and I FEAR they are plastic coated. Maybe futurely I  buy veggies. Wash, trim them. And we simply eat them off ceramic plates. The microwiave is a godsend for sure. It works very fast and throws no heat in the kitchen. When I make potato salad I don't ever boil potatoes. I microwave them! We'd be eating out of cans if we had no microwave. Isn't that what cowboys did? Cans of beans they'd open and dig right in? Anyway during the summer when it's hot our appetites are less than they are in the winter. Just a little bit seems to fill us up. Take care m'dear. Things are going to get a lot better, right? Sometime soon. Right? :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 11, 2021 1:02 PM MDT
      July 11, 2021 11:16 AM MDT

  • 10568
    You are most definitely blessed
    I eat right out of the cans (no dishes to wash).

    It's supposed to get much cooler here by mid-week (lows in the  60s, highs in the upper 80s).  Unfortunately, these "occasional" heat waves may continue well into August.  The CPC has us down for another one from July 17th to the 23rd (at least in my area).  The drier it gets the hotter it gets as well (no moisture in soil or plants to help mitigate it).

    This post was edited by Shuhak at July 12, 2021 6:29 AM MDT
      July 11, 2021 1:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Any rumblings of increased DROUGHT chatter in your area Shuhak? We're waiting for the "asks" and "requests" to become orders. Any minute now I expect. Thank you for your reply and I'm glad you are experiencing some respite in-between the tougher days. :) This post was edited by RosieG at July 12, 2021 2:39 PM MDT
      July 12, 2021 6:30 AM MDT

  • 10568
    We have our "orders" - 

    - Mandatory water usage reduction of 20 percent (over last years same time)
    - Limited outdoor watering to three days per week
    - Watering shall be limited to early morning (before 10 AM) and late evening (after 9 PM)
    - No runoff from any watering
    - Drought Stage 2 pricing is in effect (meaning they raised water prices 25 percent)

    Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time with the 3 day a week part, as my garden dries out daily (produce literally "cooking on the vine") as do my potted plants.  My gladiolus are fried (not lack of water, but it's just too hot for them).

    And yet my neighbor keeps his lawn lush and green.  When I went to church yesterday (10 am) he had the sprinkler on it... and it was still on when I returned home (11:45) - in full sun with the temperature over 100!!!

      July 12, 2021 2:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    20%? Is that just for you or did our Governor raise it from 15% and I just didn't know about it? As for the raise of it my sincere condolences to you my friend. Seriously. The food you grow REQUIRES water. I'm sorry for the non-food items you've tended with care. As for your wanton promiscuous braindead neighbor won't he be punished for it? What are the consequences? What punishment is there that will be meted out for the non-compliers? Our 8 day forecast for today is all in the 90's. Not one triple digit! But of couser that can change. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      July 13, 2021 4:16 AM MDT

  • 10568
    That is just for this area.  

    I don't know what will happen to my neighbor.  I'm not a fink, but I don't know about everyone else around here.

    Our forecasted highs are in the upper 80's thursday and friday!  Today it should get to around 99, ending the current  streak of temps over 100 (5 days).  The marine layer is back along the coast, even pushing inland a bit .  That's our natural air conditioner.  Cool air moves from the Bay Area, into the Sacramento Valley, then a few fays later up to us (moderating as it goes).  Of course, more  heat is expected next week, although the CPC is showing the brunt of it further to the north and east (Montana and the Dakotas).
      July 13, 2021 11:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You don't need to be a fink to be an observer. If you see a hose running and water building up in puddles wouldn't you knock on the door to remind the person to shut it off? That's not being a fink. At least I don't think so. So you're not your brother's keeper and you don't get involved with what's going on around you? Somehow I don't buy it. But anyway I'm glad you've got a breather for awhile. What comes next? What comes after? What are we in for? Are we better off not knowing the specifics or would we be better off knowing? Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :)
      July 14, 2021 5:42 AM MDT

  • 10985
    We had a lot of shell fish die around here during the heat wave - shell fish are a vital part of the food chain so I think we are doomed and it is only going to get worse. Cheers and happy weekend!
      July 10, 2021 12:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Same thing occurred on the Pacific Coast too m'dear. The naysayers are still naysaying. I wonder how long it will take to annihilate homo saps and other living things completely? I got up to 130 in Death Valley the other day. Woe is us right? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      July 11, 2021 4:01 AM MDT