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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » No one in your family is ALLOWED to get vaccinated. Including the children. A child gets a disease and dies. HOW DO YOU LIVE WITH THAT?

No one in your family is ALLOWED to get vaccinated. Including the children. A child gets a disease and dies. HOW DO YOU LIVE WITH THAT?

When the disease the child gets and dies due to was among those that could have been PREVENTED by getting the vaccine?


Posted - July 15, 2021


  • 3719
    I've sometimes wonder that attitude too, and not just in the present pandemic.

    I suspect if they are hard-hearted enough to consider some dogma or conspicary "theory" more importan than a child's - or adults' come to that - life they are hard-hearted enough to evade responsibility afterwards.

    Having said that I do know a widower in that state becuae, I was quitely told, his wife did not really die from cancer but took her own life when the guilt became too much for her. Their young child had died from an illness but they couple, or the mother anyway, had become trapped by one of these "God's own" cults into being too afirad to permit the treatment that would have saved him.

    There have been cases in the UK where the Social Services have stepped in and gained protection orders to save a child's life thought subservient to some "church" or other.
      July 16, 2021 6:00 PM MDT