Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Overkill. TOO MUCH EVIDENCE TOO MANY FACTS TOO MANY WITNESSES? Every day more GUANO crimes show up. Where will it end? Where do we begin?

Overkill. TOO MUCH EVIDENCE TOO MANY FACTS TOO MANY WITNESSES? Every day more GUANO crimes show up. Where will it end? Where do we begin?

Posted - July 31, 2021


  • 17090
    Unfortunately the Golden Rule seems to apply. His Royal Orangeness has plenty of it, so he makes things go away by throwing a bucket of money at them.
      July 31, 2021 3:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Is that what seems to make him teflon? Money? He is a well-known deadbeat cheapskate so the money he is throwing must come from sources other than him. But here's the thing. THERE ARE MILLIONS  MAYBE BILLIONS of witneses to much of it. Audio/video covers him for burping or twitching or exhaling. And his guilty cohorts. How can that not be enough to fry him? I honestly am very perplexed. His butt-kissing toadies are involved up to the eyeballs in it so they are going to go down too for conspiring colluding to set up the conditions for the January 6 FAILED insurrection. But every day in ever red state the powers that be are passing legislation restricting crippling deny the right to vote. AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT SO FAR. Can't some higher court deem it ILLEGAL and overturn all of them? I shall ask. Thank you for your reply R and Happy Saturday to thee and thine! Things going okay with you et famille so far?
      July 31, 2021 3:33 AM MDT