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Do senior citizens in your area ride public transit for free?

I live in San Francisco, California.  Senior citizens who are at least age 65 and whose annual household income does not exceed a specific amount are able to ride public transit for free. 

I am a senior citizen and I live alone.  I ride public transit for free because my annual household income is below 89,650 dollars. 

Two senior citizens who share a household qualify for free public transit if their annual household income is below 102,500 dollars.  

Posted - August 3, 2021


  • 19938
    No, they ride for half fare.
      August 3, 2021 7:20 AM MDT

  • 33803
    No public transit here.
      August 3, 2021 8:02 AM MDT

  • No public transit here in VA either.  
      August 3, 2021 8:06 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Not quite.. a senior's annual bus pass costs $45. and is good anywhere in the province.
      August 3, 2021 8:58 AM MDT

  • 2964
    No public transit here or I would use it, especially during the winter. 
      August 3, 2021 9:34 AM MDT

  • 17562
    No.  The cost is $2 for everyone and it is by appointment; the service area is my whole county.  You are picked up and delivered to the door.  No transit  pickup areas/bus stops.   The cost is $2 per ride ($4 per round trip beats the heck out of a taxi)  and you are picked up at your door and delivered to the door of your destination.    Because of the pandemic it has been free to everyone until further notice.   The vehicles are easy access vans.  I've never heard of any kind of incident on public transit here.  For old folks who no longer drive, this is perfect!  The drivers will not carry your groceries into your house but will unload them to the curb.  For this reason, seniors with money often take a taxi home from a shopping trip. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at August 3, 2021 7:12 PM MDT
      August 3, 2021 10:38 AM MDT

  • 53367
      I like the pricing scheme of that program; its simplicity mirrors that of other public transit systems found in many countries I’ve been to outside of the US.
      August 3, 2021 7:36 PM MDT

  • 44540
    Right now, ours is free to all users due to COVID.
      August 3, 2021 10:55 AM MDT

  • 10684
    Seniors pay half-price except during peak hours when it is full price. 
      August 3, 2021 8:33 PM MDT

  • 757
    It all depends on who has the horses hitched to the buckboard, but most don't charge. 

    See the source image
    See the source image
      August 4, 2021 1:21 AM MDT

  • 3714
    Well, apart from calling it here 'transport' not 'transit', which means 'to cross', yes.

    I have a Bus Pass, being an Old-Age Pensioner. Oh sorry, "senior citizen"... or whatever approved moniker we are meant to file ourselves under nowadays.

    It does have time-limits - it is valid, giving free travel, only between 9.30am and 10.30 or 11pm. Outside those times we have to pay the full standard fare.

    I've also a Senior Citizen's Rail-Card that, subject to assorted Ts & Cs, reduces rail fares. I don't travel by train very often, but I used the card for three or four long journeys in 2018-19.
      August 24, 2021 3:53 PM MDT